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Praxis School Counselor (5422) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the Praxis School Counselor test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The Praxis School Counselor has 120 multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

Praxis School Counselor Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Define 25% 30
Deliver 40% 48
Manage 20% 24
Assess 15% 18

Praxis School Counselor - Exam Topics Sample Questions

During the preparation of an Individualized Education Program, a parent has a legal right to do what?

Correct Answer:
review a student’s complete education file
during the preparation of an individualized education program (iep), parents play a crucial role and have specific legal rights to ensure that the educational needs of their child are adequately met. one of these rights is the ability to review the student’s complete education file. this right is fundamental to the parent's ability to participate knowledgeably and effectively in the iep process.

under the individuals with disabilities education act (idea), which governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education, and related services to children with disabilities, parents have the right to access their child's educational records. the student’s complete education file includes a variety of documents that are essential for developing an effective iep. these documents can include, but are not limited to, the student’s grades, standardized test scores, teacher observations, report cards, attendance records, discipline records, and progress reports. additionally, any assessments conducted by or for the school district that pertain to the student's educational and service needs are also included.

reviewing these records allows parents to understand the basis of the school’s proposed educational program and to ask informed questions or express concerns about their child's educational progress. this transparency is vital for building trust between parents and educators and for fostering a collaborative environment where the needs of the student can be met effectively.

furthermore, if parents disagree with the documented information or the educational recommendations, they can challenge them or request amendments to the records. parents also have the right to consult with specialists or advocates who can help them understand the records and suggest appropriate educational strategies or accommodations.

in conclusion, the right to review the student’s complete education file empowers parents to be proactive participants in the iep process. it ensures that they have full insight into their child’s educational history and current status, which is crucial for advocating effectively for their child’s educational needs and for making informed decisions regarding their iep.

A counselor meets with a teacher to discuss disciplinary issues in the classroom. The counselor listens to the teacher's concerns and shows empathy in her response. In this situation the counselor is assuming the role of what?

Correct Answer:
in the described scenario, the counselor is primarily acting in the role of a "helper." here's a detailed explanation of why this role is most fitting, compared to other potential roles like administrator, arbitrator, negotiator, or expert.

**helper** in the context of the situation, the counselor is engaging directly with the teacher to address concerns about disciplinary issues in the classroom. the counselor's approach, characterized by listening and showing empathy, indicates a supportive role aimed at assisting the teacher in managing or resolving the challenges faced. this support could involve offering emotional support, guidance on coping strategies, or suggestions for dealing with specific student behaviors. the role of a helper is centrally about providing support and assistance, which aligns closely with the counselor's actions in this scenario.

**administrator** an administrator in a school setting typically handles the management and operational aspects of the school environment. this role would involve decision-making on policy, overseeing staff, and maintaining the overall function of the institution. in the discussed scenario, the counselor is not engaging in administrative tasks or decisions but is instead focusing on providing individual support to the teacher, which is distinct from the administrative responsibilities.

**arbitrator** an arbitrator is someone who helps resolve disputes between parties by making decisions. in the scenario with the counselor and the teacher, there is no indication of a dispute between multiple parties that needs resolving, nor is there any decision-making on the part of the counselor. instead, the counselor is providing support and guidance, which does not align with the role of an arbitrator.

**negotiator** a negotiator is involved in discussions aimed at reaching an agreement between parties. while the counselor does engage in discussions with the teacher, these discussions are not about reaching a compromise or agreement between opposing sides. the counselor’s role is more about aiding the teacher in handling classroom issues, rather than negotiating terms or solutions between conflicting parties.

**expert** while counselors are indeed knowledgeable about social and emotional issues, the term "expert" in this context would imply that the counselor is providing specialized advice or solutions based primarily on a high level of expertise in a specific area. although this could be part of the counselor's role, the scenario focuses more on the empathetic and supportive aspects of the counselor's behavior rather than on delivering expert advice or analysis.

therefore, given the supportive, empathetic interaction described in the scenario, the counselor is best described as assuming the role of a "helper," as this term most accurately captures the essence of the counselor’s involvement with the teacher.