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Once you have finished taking your exams, you will have unlimited access to your test reviews, no time limits, and no recurring charges. We give you everything you need to pass your exam, all for one low cost.

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With Exam Edge, your practice tests never expire. You can take them now, next week or even years from now. Your exams are available 7 days week, 24 hours a day. If you can get to the internet, you can get to your exams. It is important to your success that your exams are available anytime and where so you can study when it is convenient for you.

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Our unique exam practice test environment is the closest thing you will find to the actual test, with one exception: We tell you when you're right and when you're wrong, and most importantly we explain why! Our tests provide you with step-by-step explanations in an easy to understand format. Imagine how much more thorough your notes will be after reviewing your answers with Exam Edge!

We realize that everyone likes to study differently, so we give you three different ways to take your exams:

Timed - Timed tests are just like the actual certification exam. They help you feel the pressure of completing the exam in a strict timeframe. The system defaults the test time to the same time limit per question as the actual exam. This is a great method of practicing your timing, especially if you're concerned about having enough time to complete the test.

No Time Limit - With this option, you can sit back, take your time and really think about the question before answering. This rush-free option is recommended for those just dipping their toes into studying. It's a great way to test your knowledge and highlight blind spots you'll need to come back to in your studies - one of the many advantages of taking International practice exams!

Explanation - Not sure where to even begin with your studying? Try a practice test in explanation mode. The questions act as a study guide, giving you the option to see the answers as you take the test. Study guide mode is an effective way to review the test subject matter before you take the exam in a timed format. Taking notes on explanation mode is truly the best method of beginning test prep

Remember, standardized tests are not simply an examination of your knowledge of the subject matter. They are also testing your ability to perform well under pressure. It's easy to psych yourself out about this aspect of the exam. All the studying in the world can't prepare you for what it will be like to actually sit for the test. Get the test-taking experience you need to perform well under pressure. By taking exam practice tests through Exam Edge, you'll gain the confidence necessary to stay calm on the day of the real test.

There's a lot riding on the results of your test, especially if it's the only thing standing between you and a certification. No matter how confident you might feel about the exam, practice exams can give you that extra competitive edge to feel as confident as possible on test day. Take our certification practice tests and walk into the actual test with your head held high!

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With Exam Edge's practice tests you will learn how to solve the entire test taking puzzle! Certification exams don't just measure what you know -- they are also a test of how well you perform under pressure. The right type of test preparation helps you familiarize yourself not only with the material you're being tested on, but also the format of the test, so you feel less anxiety on test day. That's the kind of valuable experience you'll get with our practice tests and exam prep! Making sure you walk into your exam as prepared as possible and ready to pass your actual exam.

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Digital Flashcards

Are you looking to boost your exam preparation? Add a pack of digital flashcards to your study routine. Flashcards offer a unique way to enhance your understanding in several ways:

  • Enhanced Retention: Flashcards reinforce learning from practice tests through active recall and spaced repetition, which improves memory retention.
  • Flexibility: You can use them anytime, anywhere, when you have limited time, and when you cannot complete a practice test.
  • Immediate Feedback: Instant feedback on flashcards helps quickly identify and focus on improvement areas.

Using digital flashcards with practice tests offers you the best chance at passing your exam by improving your understanding and retention.

Business - SHRM Exam

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At the end of the year meeting with all department heads, the Call Center Manager was singled out for having long call wait times. The Call Center Manager responded by claiming that his employees took excessively long breaks and were generally unmotivated. As the HR Director, you were then asked to research and resolve this issue at the Call Center. After the meeting, you decided to review the performance appraisals to gather more information, but the appraisals showed all call center employees were “meeting or exceeding standards” in all of the topics covered on the appraisals.

The Call Center Manager tells you that he has additional performance appraisal documents. He performs the standard systematic appraisals every 6 months, as mandated by the company, but he also logs appraisals on a much shorter form as part of his weekly or bi-weekly coaching sessions. What is the terminology for these appraisals conducted whenever the manager schedules a coaching session?

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Correct Answer:
the correct terminology for the type of appraisals conducted during the manager's coaching sessions is "informal appraisals." these differ significantly from the systematic appraisals that are more structured and adhere strictly to company policies.

systematic appraisals are formal evaluations that are conducted on a regular, predetermined schedule, typically semi-annually or annually. they use a standard format that ensures consistency and fairness in how employee performance is assessed across the entire organization. this type of appraisal is crucial for tracking long-term employee performance, making strategic hr decisions, and ensuring compliance with legal and organizational standards.

on the other hand, informal appraisals are more spontaneous and less structured. they can occur at any time and are often used by managers during regular interactions with employees, such as coaching sessions or one-on-one meetings. these appraisals may not follow a strict format and are typically not documented in the same detailed manner as systematic appraisals. instead, they might consist of brief notes or verbal feedback that focus on immediate performance issues or achievements.

the key advantage of informal appraisals is their flexibility and immediacy. they allow managers to provide timely feedback that can address specific behaviors and reinforce positive performance promptly, which can be more directly beneficial for employee development. however, because they are less formal, there is a risk of inconsistency and subjectivity in how feedback is given and recorded.

in this particular scenario with the call center, the manager’s use of informal appraisals could be instrumental in identifying day-to-day performance issues that might not be apparent in the more formal, systematic appraisals. however, it also underscores the need for a balanced approach that integrates both informal feedback and systematic evaluations to provide a comprehensive picture of employee performance. this approach ensures that performance issues are addressed promptly while maintaining a fair and standardized assessment process.

High School Math

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A discrete random variable R follows the Geometric distribution if

P(R = r) = (1 – p)r – 1p for r = 1, 2, 3 ……


where p is the probability of success at each trial and 0 < p < 1


What is P(R ≥  4)?

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the correct answer is:
(1 – p)3

the question asks for p(r ≥ 4), that is, the probability that the number of independent trials required for a successful trial is greater than or equal to 4. this is equivalent to asking the probability that the number of trials required is less than or equal to three, i.e. p(r=1), p(r=2), or p(r=3).

since the sum of all probabilities must be 1, p(r ≥  4) = 1 – [p(r = 1) + p(r = 2) + p(r = 3)]


p(r = 1) = (1 – p)0p = p

p(r = 2) = (1 – p)1p = p – p2

p(r = 3) = (1 – p)2p = (1 - 2p + p2)p = p – 2p2 + p3

∴p(r ≥  4) = 1 – [p(r = 1) + p(r = 2) + p(r = 3)]
1 – [p + p – p2+ p – 2p2 + p3]

= 1 – 3p + 3p2– p3

= (1 – p)3

Nursing - Family Nurse Practitioner

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In terms of laboratory tests used to assess older adults, which of the following is NOT in the normal range?

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Correct Answer:
hba1c: 10%
to answer the question regarding which laboratory test result is not within the normal range for older adults, we need to analyze the values provided and compare them with their respective normal ranges.

firstly, the blood urea nitrogen (bun) level is given as 15 mg/dl. the normal range for bun is from 7 to 21 mg/dl. therefore, a bun level of 15 mg/dl falls within this normal range and is considered normal.

the fasting glucose level provided is 95 mg/dl. the normal fasting glucose range is between 70 and 100 mg/dl. with a value of 95 mg/dl, this result is also within the normal range and is not a cause for concern.

the white blood cell (wbc) count is 9,800 cells/mm³. the normal range for wbc count is between 4300 to 10,800 cells/mm³. thus, a wbc count of 9,800 cells/mm³ falls within this normal range.

however, the hemoglobin a1c (hba1c) level is reported to be 10%. the normal range for hba1c is typically between 4% and 5.6%. this test measures the average blood sugar levels over the past two to three months and is a critical marker for the management of diabetes. an hba1c level of 10% is significantly above the upper limit of the normal range, indicating poorly controlled blood sugar levels, often reflective of diabetes.

in conclusion, the laboratory test result that is not within the normal range is the hba1c, which at 10% exceeds the normal upper limit of 5.6%. this result suggests the need for medical intervention to manage high blood sugar levels, which can be detrimental to health if left uncontrolled. the other test results (bun, fasting glucose, and wbc count) are all within their respective normal ranges.

FMCSA Certified Medical Examiner

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A medical examiner has noted that the results of a driver's hearing test was at a threshold of 27 db. What is the driver's ability to hear speech?

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Correct Answer:
The driver has difficulty with faint or distant speech.

in this case, the driver's hearing test results were at a threshold of 27 decibels. this falls within the range of 26-40 decibels, which is generally considered to represent a mild degree of hearing loss.

as a result of this level of hearing loss, the driver may have difficulty hearing sounds that are faint or at a distance. this could potentially impact their ability to hear sounds such as distant sirens or horns while driving, which could potentially pose a safety risk.

however, it should be noted that this level of hearing loss would generally not impact the driver's ability to hear normal conversational speech. therefore, the driver would likely not have difficulty communicating with others in most everyday situations.

on the more severe end of the spectrum, if the driver's hearing loss were to worsen to a point where they could only hear speech that is loud and had difficulty with group conversations, this could potentially pose significant challenges in both their personal and professional life.

therefore, regular hearing tests are important for drivers not only to ensure their own safety, but also to ensure the safety of others on the road. if a driver is aware of their hearing limitations, they can take appropriate measures to mitigate any potential risks.

Study Guide

Exam Edge Study Guide overview

Exam Edge Study Guides are available to anyone purchasing a test bundle of 10 or more practice tests.

Here is a summary of the information included in Exam Edge Study Guides:

  • Strategies for Passing Multiple Choice Tests: Understanding the exam format and structure is essential to taking an exam. You can follow these tips to better approach a multiple-choice exam.
  • Comprehensive Study Tips: Preparing for your certification exam can be daunting. These study tips provide you with a road map to making your study time as efficient as possible.
  • Exam Domains: Having an early grasp on what is on the certification exam is critical. It helps you plan what you need to study to be sure you are ready for your exam.
  • Beating Stress: Dealing with exam stress can be very difficult and severely affect your exam performance. Here are some strategies to help you combat that stress.
  • Review Key Terms: Reviewing key terms and concepts that will be vital to passing your exam.
  • Build a Study Schedule: Managing how to study for the exam can be as stressful as taking the actual exam. Follow the study schedule to maximize your preparation.

We continuously strive to provide resources that empower you to achieve your academic goals. Our Practice Tests, Digital Flash Cards, and Study Guides have been expertly crafted to support a wide range of subjects, and are tailored to foster a deeper understanding and retention of key concepts required to pass your certification exam. Using all three of these will ensure you master the skills you need to pass your certification exam.

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