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NBCC National Certified Counselor (NCE) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Features

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Preparing for the NBCC National Certified Counselor exam? Our practice tests can help you get the most out of your studying, with features like:

  • Instant access to your online practice exams
  • Unlimited Test Access - available 24/7
  • Timed, untimed, and "study guide" modes
  • Detailed explanations for each question
  • 15 online practice exams
  • 1,500 unique questions, if you purchase all 15 exams
See what makes our NBCC National Certified Counselor practice tests a critical tool for effective exam prep, below.

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Features of Exam Edge NBCC National Certified Counselor Practice Tests

Our NBCC National Certified Counselor practice tests offer the following features to give you a comprehensive and customizable exam prep experience:

Accessible NBCC National Certified Counselor Practice Tests

  • Instant online practice tests: Because our practice exams are web-based, there is no need to wait for software to download or physical supplies to arrive in the mail. Once you purchase a bundle of practice tests, you can start using them immediately!
  • Unlimited test access: Our practice tests never expire. You can revisit each test as much as you would like in order to review the questions and answers.
  • Available 24/7: You can pause and resume our practice tests to suit your schedule, at any time of day. Start a practice test in the morning, pause it at noon, and pick it back up at midnight!
  • Access your test from any device: Our practice tests are available across multiple devices. As long as you have an internet connection, you can start a practice test on your desktop computer and continue it on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone for on-the-go flexibility.
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Realistic NBCC National Certified Counselor Practice Exam Questions

  • 100 multiple choice unique questions per exam: Each practice test is unique and matches the length of the real NBCC National Certified Counselor exam so you can practice time management and learn how to maintain focus for the duration of the test.
  • 15 online practice exams: Select our largest test bundle for the ultimate NBCC National Certified Counselor test prep package - 15 practice tests each test contains 100 unique questions that's 1,500 unique questions to make you incredibly ready for test day.

Helpful NBCC National Certified Counselor Study Guides

  • Detailed explanations for each question: Each NBCC National Certified Counselor practice test question comes with explanations for both correct and incorrect answers to help you understand and learn from your mistakes.
  • Repeated attempts on each practice test: You can take each unique practice test up to 4 times to strengthen your recall, hone your pacing, and build your test-taking stamina.

How NBCC National Certified Counselor Practice Tests Work

Our unique NBCC National Certified Counselor practice test environment is the closest thing you will find to the actual test, with one exception: we tell you which questions you answered correctly and which you answered incorrectly. And most importantly, we explain why! Our practice test questions give you step-by-step explanations in an easy-to-understand format. This opportunity to understand the practice exam questions and review your answers in depth will bolster your test prep and get you ready for success on test day.

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We also know that everyone likes to study differently, so we offer three different ways to use your NBCC National Certified Counselor practice exams:

  • Timed NBCC National Certified Counselor Practice Test Mode: Timed tests are just like the NBCC National Certified Counselor exam. Our system sets the test time to the same time limit, or time limit per question, that you will experience with the actual exam on test day. This is a great method of practicing your pacing, especially if you're concerned about completing your exam within the time limit.

  • Untimed NBCC National Certified Counselor Practice Test Mode: With this option, you can take your time and thoroughly consider each question before answering. This rush-free mode is recommended for those dipping their toes into exam prep or just starting on their journey to take the NBCC National Certified Counselor. It is a great way to test your knowledge with no time limit and highlight blind spots you will need to come back to in your studies - one of the many advantages of taking NBCC National Certified Counselor practice exams with Exam Edge!

  • NBCC National Certified Counselor Study Guide Mode: Not sure where to even begin with your studying? Try a practice test in explanation mode. The questions act as a study guide, giving you the option to see the answers as you take the test. Study guide mode is an effective way to review the NBCC National Certified Counselor exam subject matter before you take the exam in a timed format. We recommend taking a practice test in explanation mode and taking thorough notes as the best method for beginning your test prep.

Test Prep Beyond NBCC National Certified Counselor Practice Exam Questions

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Learn how to solve the entire test-taking puzzle with Exam Edge's NBCC National Certified Counselor practice tests! Such exams don't just measure what you know -- they are also a test of how well you perform under pressure. The right type of test preparation helps you familiarize yourself not only with the material you are being tested on but also the format of the test, to help you beat test-taking anxiety. That is the kind of valuable experience you will get with our practice tests and exam prep so you can walk into your exam as prepared as possible and feel ready to pass your NBCC National Certified Counselor exam.

NBCC National Certified Counselor - Features Sample Questions

Obedience would be considered which of the following?

Correct Answer:
when a person submits to a request of authority.

obedience is generally understood as the act of following the directives or commands of someone in authority. this concept has been extensively studied in social psychology, particularly in scenarios where individuals comply with the instructions given by an authority figure, even if they might have personal reservations or moral objections.

the clearest example of obedience occurs when a person submits to the requests or commands of someone in a position of power or authority. this behavior is rooted in the socialization processes through which individuals learn to follow rules and norms dictated by societal structures. the essence of obedience involves acting as instructed, typically without questioning the authority of the person issuing the command.

historical and psychological research, notably the 1961 experiments conducted by stanley milgram, a psychologist at yale university, provides profound insights into the nature and dynamics of obedience. milgram's experiments were designed to understand how people would respond to direct orders that conflicted with their personal conscience, particularly in a controlled setting where participants were instructed to administer electric shocks to a learner. the results revealed that a significant proportion of participants were willing to administer potentially harmful shocks when instructed by an authority figure, illustrating the powerful influence of authority on obedience.

this inclination to obey authority, even when it conflicts with personal conscience, does not only apply to extreme or dramatic scenarios like those created in milgram's laboratory. everyday life provides numerous examples of obedience, such as employees following the directives of their supervisors, citizens abiding by laws and regulations, or students adhering to the rules set by their teachers.

thus, obedience is distinctly characterized by the submission to authority, as opposed to scenarios where an individual might resist or question such authority. it does not encompass situations where a person fails to show a willingness to improve, nor is it about the absence of submission to authority, which would rather be considered defiance or noncompliance. therefore, the correct understanding of obedience is fundamentally linked to the acceptance and implementation of authority-driven requests or commands.

Parents in their twenties and thirties who have planned pregnancies typically
experience which of the following when it comes to raising a child?

Correct Answer:
mixed emotions

parents in their twenties and thirties who have planned pregnancies typically experience mixed emotions when it comes to raising a child. this response is not unique to planned pregnancies; it is also common in unplanned pregnancies. the journey of raising a child, while often joyful and fulfilling, can also be fraught with challenges that evoke a spectrum of emotional responses from parents.

one of the primary reasons for these mixed emotions is the significant life changes and adjustments that come with the arrival of a new child. parents must adapt to new responsibilities, altered daily routines, and the demands of infant care. this can be overwhelming and may lead to feelings of excitement mixed with anxiety, uncertainty, or stress.

additionally, the pressure to balance parenting with other aspects of life, such as careers, relationships, and personal interests, can contribute to these mixed emotions. the struggle to maintain this balance can sometimes lead to feelings of guilt or inadequacy, as parents might feel they are not meeting expectations in one area or another.

another factor is the impact of a new child on the couple's relationship. many couples report a decline in marital satisfaction and an increase in conflict after the birth of a child. the redefinition of roles within the relationship and the new focus on childcare can strain even strong relationships, leading to frustration and disappointment alongside the love and happiness that the child brings.

it's important to note that while mixed emotions are common, they are also manageable. support from partners, family, and friends, along with professional guidance if necessary, can help parents navigate these complexities. recognizing that these feelings are normal can also alleviate some of the stress associated with new parenthood. therefore, expecting and new parents should be encouraged to seek support and openly communicate their feelings and challenges.

Digital Flashcards

Are you looking to boost your NBCC National Certified Counselor exam preparation? Add a pack of digital flashcards to your study routine. Flashcards offer a unique way to enhance your understanding of the material in several ways:

  • Enhanced Retention: Flashcards reinforce learning from practice tests through active recall and spaced repetition, which improves memory retention.
  • Flexibility: You can use them anytime, anywhere, when you have limited time, and when you cannot complete a practice test.
  • Immediate Feedback: Instant feedback on flashcards helps quickly identify and focus on improvement areas.

Using digital flashcards with practice tests offers you the best chance at passing your NBCC National Certified Counselor exam by improving your understanding and retention.

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