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CEOE Psychology/Sociology (032) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the CEOE Psychology/Sociology test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The CEOE Psychology/Sociology has 80 multiple-choice questions and 1 essay questions. The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

CEOE Psychology/Sociology Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Core Perspectives, Methods, and Concepts of Psychology 18% 14
Development, Learning, and Cognition 18% 14
Motivation, Emotion, Personality, Mental Health, and Social Behavior 18% 14
Core Methods and Concepts of Sociology 18% 14
Social Institutions, Stratification, and Problems 13% 10
Pedagogical Content Knowledge 15% 12

CEOE Psychology/Sociology - Exam Topics Sample Questions

All of the following statements about ethnocentrism are accurate EXCEPT:

Correct Answer:
it involves opposition to certain aspects of a larger culture.

ethnocentrism is a concept in sociology that refers to the way people view the world primarily from the perspective of their own culture. it encompasses the belief that one’s own culture or ethnic group is superior to others. this belief can manifest in various ways, such as judging other cultures by the standards and customs of one's own culture, or assuming that behaviors and practices that are different from one’s own are not only strange but also inferior.

the correct statement identifying what ethnocentrism is not is: "it involves opposition to certain aspects of a larger culture." this statement is inaccurate as a description of ethnocentrism because it actually describes a characteristic of counterculture rather than ethnocentrism. counterculture refers to a cultural group or subculture that actively rejects and opposes significant elements of the dominant culture. in contrast, ethnocentrism does not inherently involve active opposition or rejection; rather, it is more about perception and attitude—viewing one's own culture as the center of everything and other cultures as lesser.

to further clarify, ethnocentrism typically leads to a kind of cultural bias where one’s own culture is used as the standard to evaluate and judge other cultures. for example, food preferences, rituals, language, or social norms that differ from one’s culture might be seen as incorrect or inferior. this viewpoint does not necessarily involve active opposition; it is more about an internalized superiority of one's own cultural norms.

on the other hand, someone part of a counterculture actively opposes and seeks to change elements of the dominant culture. this could involve advocating for alternative lifestyles, challenging established norms, or promoting values that are radically different from those accepted by mainstream society. this opposition is a defining characteristic of countercultures, distinguishing them from mere cultural diversity or simple nonconformity.

in summary, the statement “it involves opposition to certain aspects of a larger culture” does not accurately describe ethnocentrism, but rather, it describes the actions characteristic of a counterculture. ethnocentrism is about the often unconscious assumption that one's own culture is the standard and the best, leading to viewing other cultures from this biased perspective.

The process of speech development that is concerned with planning the message content is:

Correct Answer:

the correct answer to the question regarding the process in speech development that involves planning the message content is "conceptualization."

conceptualization is a crucial stage in the speech production process where the speaker formulates what to say and how to say it. it involves generating and organizing the ideas that will be communicated. during this phase, a speaker taps into their knowledge reservoirs, which include their understanding of the topic at hand, their awareness of the audience and the context of the communication, and their grasp of appropriate discourse patterns to structure their message effectively.

for instance, if a person is preparing to give a presentation at a business meeting, during the conceptualization phase, they would consider the main points they need to address, the expectations and prior knowledge of their audience, and the formal or informal tone required by the situation. they would organize their thoughts to create a coherent structure that logically progresses, ensuring that the message is clear and persuasive.

unlike articulation, which is concerned with the physical process of producing clear and precise sounds, or self-monitoring, which involves checking and regulating one's speech during and after the communication process, conceptualization is entirely about planning and structuring the content before it is spoken.

effective conceptualization results in a well-thought-out message that is tailored to the audience and the purpose of the speech. this preliminary planning helps in delivering the message more effectively and achieving the desired impact on the audience.