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CCM Case Management Administrator Certification - Reviews

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CCM Case Management Administrator Certification - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Which of the following shows the documented planning step and nursing diagnosis of the nursing process?

Correct Answer:
critical pathway.

the question asked is to identify which option among the given choices best exemplifies a tool used in nursing for documenting the planning step and nursing diagnosis of the nursing process. the correct answer is "critical pathway."

critical pathways, also known as clinical pathways, care pathways, or care maps, are integral to nurse case management. these tools are designed to guide evidence-based healthcare. they are structured multidisciplinary care plans which detail essential steps in the care of patients with a specific clinical problem. they help to promote organized and efficient patient care based on clinical guidelines and best practices.

within the context of nursing, critical pathways serve to document the nursing diagnosis—a clinical judgment about individual, family, or community responses to actual or potential health problems and life processes. nursing diagnoses provide the basis for selection of nursing interventions to achieve outcomes for which the nurse has accountability.

furthermore, critical pathways outline the plan of care, which includes the planned interventions and expected outcomes. this planning step is crucial as it sets a standard of care and expected progress timeline, which aids in evaluating the effectiveness of the nursing care provided.

other options listed like flow sheets, progress notes, and problem lists also play roles in patient care documentation but are not as specifically focused on documenting both the nursing diagnosis and the planned care pathway. flow sheets are typically used to record and track specific patient data and trends over time, such as vital signs or blood glucose levels. progress notes provide a chronological record of the patient’s care and response to treatment. problem lists enumerate health problems but may not link directly to planned interventions or detailed care pathways like critical pathways do.

thus, critical pathways are the most comprehensive choice for illustrating documented planning steps and nursing diagnoses in the context of the nursing process. they enable a structured and clear approach to patient care, integrating diagnosis and planned interventions in a way that enhances the quality and coherence of care delivery.