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Child Development Associate - PreSchool (CDA) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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Child Development Associate - PreSchool - Reviews

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Child Development Associate - PreSchool - Test Reviews Sample Questions

The NAEYC has several standards for the licensing of programs and child care centers.  One of these standards is that any program with _______ or more families, need to be licensed with the state.

Correct Answer:
the national association for the education of young children (naeyc) sets forth various standards that are crucial for the licensing of programs and child care centers. one critical standard established by the naeyc is that any child care program which serves two or more unrelated families must be licensed by the state. this requirement is put in place regardless of other variables such as the duration of the program or the operational hours.

licensing serves as an essential regulatory framework that ensures all child care programs adhere to specific safety, health, and educational standards. these criteria are designed to safeguard the well-being and development of children enrolled in these programs. by mandating licensing for programs with two or more unrelated families, the naeyc aims to standardize the quality of care across different settings, providing a consistent and secure environment for children.

this rule applies universally with no exceptions, meaning that all programs, regardless of their size or the services they offer, are required to comply if they serve two or more unrelated families. the lack of exemptions helps maintain a high standard of care and ensures that all children, regardless of where they are enrolled, receive protection and services that meet established professional standards.

the requirement for licensing is not merely a bureaucratic formality but a crucial measure that supports the fundamental rights of children to safety, care, and education. it also assists parents in making informed decisions about where to place their children, trusting in the state’s endorsement of the program’s quality through licensing. thus, this standard by the naeyc not only enhances the quality of child care programs but also supports the broader goal of improving early childhood education nationwide.