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Safety Net Library Media Specialist CST (974) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the NYSTCE Safety Net Library Media Specialist CST test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The NYSTCE Safety Net Library Media Specialist CST has 90 multiple-choice questions and 1 essay questions. The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

NYSTCE Safety Net Library Media Specialist CST Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
The Library Media Program 20% 18
Library Media Resources 20% 18
Information Literacy Skills 25% 23
Program Administration and Leadership 25% 23
Information Literacy Skills: 10% 9

NYSTCE Safety Net Library Media Specialist CST - Exam Topics Sample Questions

Who developed the theory of multiple intelligences?

Correct Answer:
howard gardner.


* the correct answer to the question "who developed the theory of multiple intelligences?" is howard gardner. howard gardner, a psychologist and professor of education at harvard university, introduced the theory of multiple intelligences in 1983 with his book *frames of mind: the theory of multiple intelligences*. *

* gardner's theory challenged the traditional view of intelligence, which typically revolves around logical and linguistic skills, measurable through iq tests. he proposed that human beings possess a variety of distinct types of intelligence, each one pertaining to a different domain of human activity. *

* according to gardner, there are eight main types of intelligence: 1. linguistic intelligence: sensitivity to spoken and written language. 2. logical-mathematical intelligence: ability to analyze problems logically and carry out mathematical operations. 3. spatial intelligence: capacity to think in three dimensions. 4. bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: ability to manipulate objects and use physical skills. 5. musical intelligence: skill in performing, composing, and appreciating musical patterns. 6. interpersonal intelligence: ability to understand and interact effectively with others. 7. intrapersonal intelligence: capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears, and motivations. 8. naturalistic intelligence: ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals, and other aspects of nature. *

* gardner argues that these intelligences are somewhat independent of each other and that each individual possesses a unique blend of all the intelligences. his theory suggests that educational systems should be tailored to cater to all types of intelligences, rather than focusing predominantly on linguistic and logical skills. *

* the impact of gardner's theory has been profound, influencing education policies around the world. educators are encouraged to adopt a more diversified curriculum that addresses multiple intelligences, offering students various ways to engage with material and express their understanding. this approach aims to provide a more balanced education that acknowledges and cultivates the diverse talents of all students, rather than just those who excel in traditional academic disciplines. *

* in summary, howard gardner's theory of multiple intelligences revolutionized the understanding of intelligence in education by proposing that intelligence is multifaceted and context-dependent, encouraging a broader, more inclusive approach to education. this theory helps in recognizing and nurturing the various potentialities in individuals which might otherwise go unnoticed and undeveloped under conventional educational practices.

Which of the following types of scheduling is the most effective way to achieve integration of the library media program into the school's curriculum?

Correct Answer:
flexible scheduling

the most effective way to achieve integration of the library media program into the school's curriculum is through flexible scheduling. flexible scheduling refers to a planning approach where the use of the library and its resources, including the time and expertise of the library media specialist, is not strictly fixed but can be adapted to fit the needs of teachers and students as they arise. this type of scheduling is particularly beneficial in an educational setting because it supports a more integrated and collaborative approach to learning.

under a flexible scheduling system, teachers have the liberty to collaborate with library media specialists to design and implement lessons that incorporate information literacy skills seamlessly with the core curriculum content. this means that visits to the library are not seen as isolated events but are directly tied to classroom learning objectives. for instance, if a history project requires research, the library media specialist can work with the teacher to schedule class visits that align with the project's timeline and educational goals.

this flexibility ensures that library resources and instruction are relevant and timely, which enhances student engagement and learning. it allows the library to be viewed as an extension of the classroom rather than a separate entity. the library media specialist becomes a co-educator who actively participates in the educational process, rather than merely overseeing the circulation of materials.

in contrast, other scheduling types such as rigid, fixed, or block scheduling offer less adaptability. rigid and fixed scheduling confine library visits and resource utilization to predetermined times, which may not always coincide with the students’ immediate learning needs. block scheduling, while allowing for longer periods, still restricts the flexibility for spontaneous library use if the need arises outside of the scheduled block.

therefore, flexible scheduling stands out as the most effective approach to integrate the library media program with the school curriculum. it supports a dynamic educational environment where the development of information literacy skills can be directly linked to classroom activities, thus fostering a more holistic educational experience for students.