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Exam Edge Blogs for ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing

ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing - Blogs Sample Questions

A positive patient outcome related to electrolyte balance would be:

Correct Answer:
ph 7.40.
in medical practice, maintaining a proper electrolyte balance in patients is crucial for their overall health, particularly in regulating body functions like nerve signaling, muscle function, and maintaining acid-base balance. one key aspect of this balance is reflected in the body's ph level, a measure of how acidic or basic the blood is.

the ph scale ranges from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic), with 7 being neutral. for human blood, a normal ph range is typically between 7.35 and 7.45, indicating a slightly basic environment. this narrow range is optimal for various enzymatic and biochemical processes necessary for body function.

when the ph value falls outside this range, it indicates an imbalance that can have various causes and serious health implications. a ph above 7.45 signifies a condition known as alkalosis, which can result from factors like excessive bicarbonate intake or loss of acids through vomiting or diuretics. symptoms of alkalosis can include confusion, muscle twitching, nausea, and can affect breathing and oxygen levels.

conversely, a ph below 7.35 is indicative of acidosis, which can occur due to an accumulation of acid or loss of bicarbonate. this could be due to conditions such as kidney disease, diabetes, or severe diarrhea. acidosis can lead to fatigue, shallow breathing, and can disturb heart function.

thus, when the question identifies a ph of 7.40 as a positive patient outcome related to electrolyte balance, it underscores that the patient’s blood ph is well within the normal range, suggesting effective regulation of acid-base balance. this is crucial for patient stability and indicates that the body’s metabolic and respiratory systems are functioning properly to maintain this balance. maintaining a ph within this range helps ensure that other physiological processes dependent on a stable ph are occurring efficiently, thereby supporting overall health and preventing complications related to acidosis or alkalosis.

Coagulation Factor V has which of the following as an associated genetic disorder?

Correct Answer:
activated protein c resistance.

coagulation factor v is primarily associated with a genetic condition known as activated protein c resistance (apcr), most commonly due to a specific mutation referred to as factor v leiden. this mutation results in a variant of factor v that is resistant to degradation by activated protein c, an important protein responsible for regulating blood clot formation. normally, activated protein c limits clot formation by inactivating factor v. however, when factor v is resistant to this action due to the mutation, it leads to an increased tendency for the blood to clot, which can result in conditions such as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.

in contrast, other coagulation factors are associated with different types of hemophilia, which are distinct from the conditions related to factor v. for example, factor viii deficiency is associated with hemophilia a, and factor ix deficiency with hemophilia b. both are bleeding disorders characterized by mutations that lead to insufficient production of their respective factors, resulting in poor clot formation and excessive bleeding. factor xi deficiency leads to hemophilia c, which, like a and b, results in increased bleeding, but typically with a milder presentation.

to clarify, hemophilia a, b, and c are primarily caused by deficiencies and not by resistance to regulatory proteins like in the case of factor v and activated protein c resistance. therefore, understanding the specific genetic and functional associations of these coagulation factors is crucial in diagnosing and managing these conditions effectively.

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In your journey to get ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing certified it is important for you to have all information related to your exam. So we have pulled together a list of additional blogs that may be of interest to you because that are all related to the American Nurses Credentialing Center.

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