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DHA Medical Surgical Nursing (DHA-MedSurg) Practice Exams & Exam Prep - Topics

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the DHA Medical Surgical Nursing test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The DHA Medical Surgical Nursing has 70 multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

DHA Medical Surgical Nursing Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Assessment and Diagnosis 14.67% 10
Planning, Implementation and Outcomes Evaluation 33.33% 23
Professional Role 30% 21
Health Teaching and Health Promotion 22% 15

DHA Medical Surgical Nursing - Exam Topics Sample Questions

You come in and look at the list of patient priorities from the night nurse. What is the correct action?

Correct Answer:
make your own assessment.

when you come in and look at the list of patient priorities from the night nurse, the correct action is to make your own assessment. this step is crucial because it allows you to verify the information provided and update it based on the current condition of the patients. while the list from the night nurse serves as a valuable starting point, it is essentially a snapshot of the patients' statuses from their last evaluation. patient conditions can change rapidly, and relying solely on previous assessments without a current evaluation can lead to oversight of critical changes.

a common failure in managing patient care priorities is relying too heavily on the opinions and assessments of others, such as the night nurse in this scenario. although these professionals provide valuable insights and continuity of care through their documentation, every nurse or healthcare provider has a responsibility to conduct their own evaluations. this is not only a matter of fulfilling professional duties but also a critical step in ensuring patient safety and effective care.

by conducting your own assessment, you can identify any discrepancies or changes that might have occurred since the last evaluation. this direct observation allows you to make informed decisions about prioritizing care based on the most current and comprehensive understanding of each patient's needs.

in addition to making an initial assessment, it is advisable to periodically consult with the night nurse or other colleagues to discuss any concerns or unusual findings. this collaboration can help clarify the reasoning behind their prioritizations and provide deeper insights into the patients’ conditions over different shifts. however, these consultations should complement rather than replace your own independent assessments.

in some cases, if uncertainties or critical issues arise from your assessments that require specialized knowledge or intervention, consulting with a physician is necessary. this step ensures that any significant medical decisions are made with the guidance of those with appropriate expertise, particularly in situations that are beyond the typical scope of nursing responsibilities.

ultimately, the goal is to integrate information from the night nurse, your own assessments, consultations with peers, and guidance from physicians to form a well-rounded and accurate understanding of patient needs. this comprehensive approach ensures high-quality care and enhances the safety and well-being of the patients under your care.

Which of the following statements about evidence-based nursing practice (EBNP) is most accurate?

Correct Answer:
it uses the best type of clinical data from research in making patient-care decisions.

evidence-based nursing practice (ebnp) is a methodical approach to nursing whereby decisions made about patient care are based on the best available, current, valid, and relevant evidence. these decisions are often made by incorporating clinical expertise as well as patient values and preferences. the statement "it uses the best type of clinical data from research in making patient-care decisions" is most accurate and encapsulates the essence of ebnp.

the accuracy of this statement lies in its reflection of how ebnp prioritizes the quality of evidence in clinical decision-making processes. this approach ensures that patient care is not only based on the latest and most rigorous research findings but also integrates the most effective interventions proven by such research. this method contrasts with practices that may rely heavily on tradition, personal experience, or less rigorous evidence.

it is important to clarify that ebnp is distinct from research utilization, which specifically involves implementing a new research finding or innovative practice into clinical settings. while research utilization is a component of ebnp, it does not encompass the entire breadth of evidence-based practice, which is broader and includes the integration of multiple forms of research evidence.

another common confusion arises with evidence-based medicine (ebm) which traditionally relies heavily on randomized controlled trials (rcts) to inform medical decisions. while rcts are also highly valued in ebnp, nursing practice recognizes the importance of diverse types of studies due to the complex, holistic nature of patient care which often requires qualitative insights alongside quantitative data.

moreover, contrary to some misconceptions, ebnp does indeed consider holistic forms of medicine when there is evidence to support their effectiveness. this inclusion underscores the comprehensive approach of ebnp, aiming to address all aspects of a patient's well-being, including physical, emotional, and social health, which may sometimes benefit from holistic interventions.

in summary, the statement that ebnp "uses the best type of clinical data from research in making patient-care decisions" most accurately reflects the practice's commitment to high-quality, evidence-based care that is both comprehensive and patient-centered. this approach not only enhances the quality of care but also contributes to the advancement of nursing practice through continuous integration of scientific research.