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DHA Medical Surgical Nursing (DHA-MedSurg) Practice Exams & Exam Prep - FAQ

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Our practice tests are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking. Created to mimic the real exam, our practice tests feature:

  • Instant access to your online practice tests - available 24/7
  • Timed, untimed, and "study guide" modes
  • Detailed explanations for each question
  • 35 online practice exams - That's 2,450 unique questions

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Why should I use Exam Edge to prepare for the DHA Medical Surgical Nursing Exam?

FAQ's for Exam Edge DHA Medical Surgical Nursing practice tests

We have ten great reasons why Exam Edge is the #1 source on the internet when it comes to preparing for DHA Medical Surgical Nursing test:

  • Comprehensive content: Exam Edge's DHA Medical Surgical Nursing practice tests are created specifically to prepare you for the real exam. All our DHA Medical Surgical Nursing practice test questions parallel the topics covered on the real test. The topics themselves are covered in the same proportions as the real test too, based on outlines provided by the Dubai Health Authority in their DHA Medical Surgical Nursing test guidelines.

  • Realistic practice: Our DHA Medical Surgical Nursing practice exams are designed to help familiarize you with the real test. With the same time limits as the real exam, our practice tests enable you to practice your pacing and time management ahead of test day.

  • Detailed explanations: As you complete your practice tests, we show you which questions you answered correctly and which ones you answered incorrectly, in addition to providing you with detailed step-by-step explanations for every single DHA Medical Surgical Nursing practice exam question.

  • Performance insights: After you complete a practice test, we provide you with your raw score (how many you answered correctly) and our estimate of the DHA Medical Surgical Nursing score you would have received if you had taken the real test.

  • Ease of access: Because all our practice tests are web-based, there is no software to install. You can take DHA Medical Surgical Nursing practice exams on any device with access to the internet, at any time.

  • Flexible use: If you must pause while taking one of our practice tests, you can continue right where you left off. When you continue the test, you will start exactly where you were, and with the same amount of time you had remaining.

  • Thousands of unique questions: We offer 35 different online practice exams with 2,450 unique questions to help you prepare for your DHA Medical Surgical Nursing !

  • Low cost: The cost of ordering 5 practice tests is less than the cost of taking the real DHA Medical Surgical Nursing test. In other words, it would be less expensive to order 5 practice tests than to retake the real DHA Medical Surgical Nursing exam!

  • Our trusted reputation: As a fully accredited member of the Better Business Bureau, we uphold the highest level of business standards. You can rest assured that we maintain all of the BBB Standards for Trust.

  • Additional support: If you need additional help, we offer specialized tutoring. Our tutors are trained to help prepare you for success on the DHA Medical Surgical Nursing exam.

What score do I need to pass the DHA Medical Surgical Nursing Exam?

To pass the DHA Medical Surgical Nursing test you need a score of 60.

The range of possible scores is 0 to 100.

How do I know the practice tests are reflective of the actual DHA Medical Surgical Nursing ?

At Exam Edge, we are proud to invest time and effort to make sure that our practice tests are as realistic as possible. Our practice tests help you prepare by replicating key qualities of the real test, including:

  • The topics covered
  • The level of difficulty
  • The maximum time-limit
  • The look and feel of navigating the exam
We have a team of professional writers that create our DHA Medical Surgical Nursing practice test questions based on the official test breakdown provided by the Dubai Health Authority. We continually update our practice exams to keep them in sync with the most current version of the actual certification exam, so you can be certain that your preparations are both relevant and comprehensive.

Do you offer practice tests for other Dubai Health Authority subjects?

Yes! We offer practice tests for 58 different exam subjects, and there are 1,025 unique exams utilizing 92250 practice exam questions. Every subject has a free sample practice test you can try too!

DHA Allied Health
DHA Accident and Emergency/ Emergency Room (DHA-EMG) Practice Tests
DHA Audiologist (AUDIO) Practice Tests
DHA Audiology Assistant (AUDIO) Practice Tests
DHA Central Sterile Supply Department (DHA-CSSD) Practice Tests
DHA Clinical Dietitians (NUTRO) Practice Tests
DHA Critical Care Nurse (DHA-CriticalCare) Practice Tests
DHA Dialysis Technologist (RDTCH) Practice Tests
DHA EKG Technician (DHA-EKG) Practice Tests
DHA Emergency Medical Technician - Basic (DHA-EMTB) Practice Tests
DHA Laboratory Technician (DHA-LABTech) Practice Tests
DHA Massage Therapist (MASST) Practice Tests
DHA Medical Laboratory Technician (LABTE) Practice Tests
DHA Medical Laboratory Technologist (LABTO) Practice Tests
DHA Medical Surgical Nursing (DHA-MedSurg) Practice Tests
DHA Nutritionist (NUTRO) Practice Tests
DHA Pharmacy Technician (PHTCH) Practice Tests
DHA Phlebotomist (DHA-Phleb) Practice Tests
DHA Radiographer (RADSP) Practice Tests
DHA Veterinary (DHA-VET) Practice Tests

DHA Allied Health - Dental
DHA Dental Assistant (DASST) Practice Tests
DHA Dental Hygienist (DENHY) Practice Tests
DHA Dental Technician (DHA-DT) Practice Tests
DHA Dialysis Technician (DHA-DIaTech) Practice Tests
DHA General Dentistry (GENDE) Practice Tests
DHA Orthodontic Assistant (DHA-OA) Practice Tests
DHA Pediatric Nursing (DHA-PN) Practice Tests

DHA Allied Health - Medical Imaging
DHA Bone Densitometry (DHA-BONE) Practice Tests
DHA Cardiac Interventional Radiography (DHA-CI) Practice Tests
DHA Computed Tomography (DHA-CT) Practice Tests
DHA Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists (DHA-MRI) Practice Tests
DHA Mammography (DHA-MAM) Practice Tests
DHA Medical Imaging Technologists (DHA-MI) Practice Tests
DHA Radiotherapy Technician (DHA-RADTech) Practice Tests
DHA Radiotherapy Technologist (DHA-RAD) Practice Tests
DHA Sonographer (DHA-SO) Practice Tests
DHA Vascular Interventional Radiography (DHA-VI) Practice Tests

DHA Allied Health - Optometry
DHA Ophthalmic Technician (DHA-OT) Practice Tests
DHA Ophthalmologists (OPTOMO) Practice Tests
DHA Optometrist (OPTOM) Practice Tests
DHA Pharmacology (DHA-Pharmacology) Practice Tests

DHA Allied Health - Psychology
DHA Educational Psychology (DHA-EducPsyc) Practice Tests
DHA Marriage and Family Psychology (DHA-FamilyPsyc) Practice Tests
DHA Psychiatric Nurse (DHA-Psyc Nurse) Practice Tests

DHA Allied Health - Speech Therapy
DHA Speech Therapist (DHA-SPT) Practice Tests
DHA Speech Therapist Assistant (DHA-SPA) Practice Tests

DHA Allied Health - Therapy
DHA Clinical Psychology (DHA-ClinicalPhysio) Practice Tests
DHA Occupational Therapist (ORAPS) Practice Tests
DHA Occupational Therapy Technician (ORAPS) Practice Tests
DHA Physiotherapists (PHYSP) Practice Tests
DHA Physiotherapy Technician (PHYTH) Practice Tests

DHA Nurses & Midwives
DHA Diabetic Nurse Educator (DHA-Diabetic ED) Practice Tests
DHA Assistant Midwife (MIDWI) Practice Tests
DHA Assistant Nurse (DHA-ARN) Practice Tests
DHA Biomedical Equipment Technician (DHA-CBET) Practice Tests
DHA Practical Nurse (DHAPN) Practice Tests
DHA Registered Midwifery (MIDWI) Practice Tests
DHA Registered Nurse (DHA-RN) Practice Tests
DHA Staff Nurse (DHA-SN) Practice Tests

To order tests, or take a sample test, for a different subject: Click on ' Name on the Exam Name' You will be take to the orders page

How do I register for the real Dubai Health Authority?

For up-to-date information about registration for the Dubai Health Authority, refer to the Dubai Health Authority website.

DHA Medical Surgical Nursing - FAQ Sample Questions

Bullying behaviors can undermine clinical team effectiveness. A bullying behavior is:

Correct Answer:
repetitive criticism.
bullying behaviors in a clinical setting can significantly undermine the effectiveness of a team, affecting both collective operations and individual well-being. one specific form of bullying that is particularly harmful is repetitive criticism.

repetitive criticism refers to the frequent and unnecessary negative feedback directed at a specific individual, often focusing more on belittling or undermining the individual rather than providing constructive feedback aimed at professional growth. this type of behavior can erode self-esteem, reduce morale, and create a hostile work environment. unlike constructive criticism, which is aimed at helping an individual improve their skills and is usually delivered in a supportive manner, repetitive criticism is often demeaning and serves no educational or motivational purpose.

the impact of such bullying behaviors extends beyond the targeted individual. it can disrupt the teamwork necessary in clinical settings where coordinated efforts are crucial for patient care. team members may become hesitant to participate openly or share ideas if they fear being the target of ridicule or harsh criticism. this fear can lead to decreased communication and collaboration, key components of effective clinical teamwork.

other examples of bullying behavior in clinical settings include repeated shouting, public humiliation, swearing at colleagues, and isolating or marginalizing individuals. these actions can lead to a toxic work environment where anxiety and tension replace collaboration and respect. additionally, bullying can manifest in seemingly less aggressive ways, such as excessively monitoring a person's work unnecessarily or overruling decisions without just cause. these actions also contribute to undermining team effectiveness by diminishing trust and respect among team members.

addressing bullying behaviors like repetitive criticism is essential for maintaining a healthy, effective, and supportive clinical environment. strategies to combat bullying include establishing clear policies against such behaviors, training staff on recognizing and addressing bullying, and promoting a team culture based on mutual respect and open communication. by taking these steps, healthcare facilities can help safeguard both their team's effectiveness and their members' well-being.

General anesthetics are given in which circumstance?

Correct Answer:
right-sided colectomy.

general anesthetics are typically administered in circumstances requiring a patient to be fully unconscious and free of pain during a surgical procedure. the choice between general anesthesia and other forms of anesthesia, such as local or regional anesthesia, depends on the nature of the surgery, the health of the patient, and other specific factors related to the case.

in the context of choosing between gastrointestinal endoscopy and right-sided colectomy for the administration of general anesthesia, it is important to understand the nature of these procedures. a gastrointestinal endoscopy is a procedure where a long, flexible tube with a camera (endoscope) is inserted through the throat to examine the gastrointestinal tract. this procedure is generally less invasive and can often be performed under local anesthesia, where the throat is numbed, or with sedation, which relaxes the patient but does not render them fully unconscious like general anesthesia.

on the other hand, a right-sided colectomy, which involves the surgical removal of the right portion of the colon, is a major surgical procedure. this type of surgery requires the patient to be fully unconscious to ensure that they are free of pain and to facilitate the ease and safety of the operation. during a right-sided colectomy, general anesthesia is administered to achieve a deep state of unconsciousness, as this allows the surgeons to perform the procedure without any patient movement and ensures that the patient experiences no pain.

general anesthesia works by affecting the central nervous system to induce unconsciousness and eliminate sensation throughout the body. it is administered either through inhalation of gases or vapors or by intravenous injection of drugs. the anesthesiologist monitors the patient’s vital signs and adjusts the anesthesia levels throughout the surgery to maintain safety and effectiveness.

therefore, while local anesthetics may be sufficient for less invasive procedures like gastrointestinal endoscopy, cardiac catheterization, and certain aspects of labor and delivery, general anesthesia is crucial for extensive surgeries such as a right-sided colectomy. this ensures the patient’s comfort and safety, and allows surgeons to perform complex operations without complications arising from patient awareness or movement.