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DHA Educational Psychology (DHA-EducPsyc) Practice Exams & Test Prep Questions - Topics

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Understanding what is on the DHA Educational Psychology exam is crucial step in preparing for the exam. You will need to have an understanding of the testing domain (topics covered) to be sure you are studing the correct information.

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the DHA Educational Psychology test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The DHA Educational Psychology has 70 multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

DHA Educational Psychology Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Data-Based Decision Making 35% 25
Research-Based Academic Practices 12% 8
Research-Based Behavioral and Mental Health Practices 16% 11
Consultation and Collaboration 12% 8
Applied Psychological Foundations 13% 9
Ethical, Legal, and Professional Foundations 12% 8

DHA Educational Psychology - Exam Topics Sample Questions

According to SCT (social cognitive theory), goals allow children to establish ____ to use when judging their own progress.

Correct Answer:
according to sct (social cognitive theory), goals allow children to establish benchmarks to use when judging their own progress.

social cognitive theory (sct), developed by albert bandura, emphasizes the importance of observational learning, self-efficacy, and goal setting in behavior change and development. one critical aspect of sct is the concept of self-regulation, where individuals assess their behavior in relation to personal standards and environmental circumstances. goals play a pivotal role in this process by providing clear endpoints or outcomes to strive toward.

in the context of children, setting goals is not just about defining what they want to achieve but also about establishing benchmarks. benchmarks are specific, measurable standards against which progress can be evaluated. they serve as reference points that children can use to gauge how well they are doing in their pursuit of the goal. for instance, if a child's goal is to improve their reading skills, benchmarks might include reading a certain number of books per month or achieving a higher level in a reading program.

benchmarks are crucial because they allow for incremental evaluation of progress. this is important in maintaining motivation and adjusting strategies when necessary. if a child sees that they are consistently meeting or exceeding their benchmarks, it reinforces their sense of efficacy and motivates them to continue their efforts. conversely, if they are not meeting their benchmarks, it signals a need to reassess their strategies or seek additional support.

furthermore, benchmarks help in breaking down a large, potentially overwhelming goal into smaller, manageable parts. this decomposition makes the goal less daunting and enhances the child’s belief in their ability to achieve it, which is key in fostering self-efficacy as described in sct.

in summary, within the framework of social cognitive theory, goals equipped with clear benchmarks empower children by providing them with concrete criteria to measure their progress. this not only helps in maintaining engagement and motivation but also supports the development of self-regulatory capabilities by enabling children to make informed adjustments to their behaviors and strategies in pursuit of personal achievement.

What is the PRIMARY problem in collecting multiple sources of assessment data?

Correct Answer:
accuracy of the results.

the primary challenge in collecting assessment data from multiple sources is ensuring the accuracy of the results. when data is gathered from various sources, each source might use different methodologies, standards, or levels of precision. this diversity can lead to inconsistencies in the data, which in turn can compromise the overall accuracy of the assessment results.

accuracy in this context refers to the closeness of the findings to the truth or to the actual values being measured. for instance, if different sources provide conflicting data about the same variable, it becomes challenging to determine which source is the most accurate or whether any of the sources can be relied upon at all. this issue is critical because decisions based on inaccurate data can lead to inappropriate conclusions, misdiagnosis, or misinformed policy-making.

moreover, the integration of data from multiple sources often requires additional verification and validation processes to align the data points and ensure they are comparable. this extra step can be resource-intensive, involving time, effort, and the application of sophisticated statistical methods to reconcile discrepancies and validate the overall dataset.

another layer of complexity is added by potential biases inherent in different data sources. each source may have its own bias based on the context in which the data was collected, the method of data collection, or the population sample used. recognizing and adjusting for these biases is crucial to improve the reliability and validity of the assessment results.

in conclusion, while collecting data from multiple sources can enhance the comprehensiveness and richness of information, the primary issue of ensuring accuracy remains a significant challenge. it requires careful consideration and application of robust statistical techniques to ensure that the integration of diverse data sources leads to precise and reliable assessment outcomes.