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NCCT NCPT (NCPT) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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NCCT National Certified Phlebotomy Technician - Reviews

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NCCT National Certified Phlebotomy Technician - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Where are health hazards located in the National Fire Association diamond?

Correct Answer:

the national fire protection association (nfpa) developed a labeling system known as the nfpa 704 hazard identification system, which is commonly referred to as the "nfpa diamond" or "fire diamond". this color-coded system is used to identify the risks associated with various materials and is often seen on the labels of containers and buildings where chemicals are stored.

the diamond is divided into four color-coded sections, each representing a different type of hazard. on the diamond, the blue section is located on the left side. this blue area represents health hazards. the health hazard rating in this section indicates how much of a health risk the substance poses. it ranges from 0, indicating no significant risk, to 4, indicating extreme risk, such as death or major residual injury even with exposure for very short periods.

the top section of the diamond is colored red, which indicates flammability risks. like the health hazard section, it is rated from 0 to 4, with 4 representing materials that will vaporize and burn readily in air at normal temperatures. the yellow section on the right side of the diamond indicates the reactivity of the material, including its stability and potential for explosive reactions, again rated from 0 to 4.

lastly, the bottom section of the diamond is colored white and is used to indicate specific hazards. this section can include symbols or letters to denote particular risks like radiation, acid, alkali, corrosive effects, or other special risks. each of these sections provides critical information in a quick, visual format, allowing for immediate understanding of the risks associated with the material, crucial in an emergency situation such as a fire or chemical spill.