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NCCT NCPCT (NCPCT) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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NCCT National Patient Care Technician - Reviews

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NCCT National Patient Care Technician - Test Reviews Sample Questions

What is the third step of the capillary puncture?

Correct Answer:
hold the patient's finger between the thumb and forefinger of one hand.

the third step in the capillary puncture process is to "hold the patient's finger between the thumb and forefinger of one hand." this step follows the selection of an appropriate finger and the cleaning of the chosen site with an antiseptic. holding the finger securely is crucial as it stabilizes the finger and prevents any unnecessary movement that could interfere with the puncture process.

in this step, the healthcare provider uses their non-dominant hand to grasp the patient's finger. the thumb is typically placed on one side of the finger, with the forefinger on the opposite side, creating a firm but gentle hold. this positioning allows the provider to control the finger fully during the puncture. the grip should be secure enough to prevent the finger from moving, yet gentle enough to ensure the patient's comfort.

the importance of this step lies in its ability to both comfort and secure the patient's finger, which reduces the likelihood of a misplaced puncture. it also positions the finger in such a way that the pad of the finger, where the puncture will occur, is slightly taut and well-presented. this is important for the accuracy and efficiency of the puncture, which is typically performed with a lancet.

following this step, the healthcare provider will proceed with using the lancet to puncture the skin at a right angle to the finger pad, ensuring a clean and precise cut. this allows for optimal blood flow needed for the sample without causing unnecessary tissue damage. each step in the capillary puncture process is designed to maximize the effectiveness of the procedure while minimizing discomfort and potential complications for the patient.