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Our NCC practice exams are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking. Created to mimic the real exam, Our NCC practice tests feature:
ExamEdge's online practice test is that they mimicked the actual exam. I walked into the exam feeling confident I knew the material and walked out knowing my time studying with Exam Edge was well worth the effort."
Olivia R., Washington
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To pass the NCC Inpatient Obstetric Nursing test you need a score of 75.
The range of possible scores is 0 to 100.
At Exam Edge, we are proud to invest time and effort to make sure that Our NCC practice tests are as realistic as possible. Our practice tests help you prepare by replicating key qualities of the real test, including:
Yes! We offer practice tests for 5 different exam subjects, and there are 60 unique exams utilizing 6000 practice exam questions. Every subject has a free sample practice test you can try too!
NCC Inpatient Obstetric Nursing
Practice Tests
NCC Low Risk Neonatal Nursing
Practice Tests
NCC Maternal Newborn Nursing
Practice Tests
NCC Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Practice Tests
NCC Women's Health Care Practitioner
Practice Tests
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For up-to-date information about registration for the National Certification Corporation, refer to the National Certification Corporation website.
Seeking certification in a women’s health specialty area?
The NCC offers certifications in the core areas of Inpatient Obstetric Nursing (RNC-OB), Low-Risk Neonatal Nursing (RNC-LRN), Maternal Newborn Nursing (RNC-MNN), Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP), and Women’s Health Care Practitioner (WHNP-BC).
To sit for an NCC exam include current licensure and 2 years’ experience comprised of at least 2000 hours of practice in the specialty area. Exams are delivered by computer at AMP Assessment Centers.
All NCC exams are criterion referenced. Three hours is allotted for up to 175 multiple-choice items. The response theory approach to testing is utilized in all exams. This format assigns each item a difficulty and ability level. The higher the difficulty level of the question, the greater the ability score the candidate achieves. This score increases as the candidate answers correctly and decreases with incorrect responses. The difficulty of the exam determines the actual number of questions that must be answered correctly in order to achieve a passing ability level. All scores are converted to a common scale. Content outlines for each specialty area are available at the NCC website.
Candidates will receive a preliminary score report after completing the exam. Official results will be mailed within 21 days of the exam date. Test results will identify pass/fail status and give feedback on the various content areas on the exam.