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NARM Certified Professional Midwife - Reviews

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NARM Certified Professional Midwife - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Which of the following drugs is most likely to be used for a pregnant woman with chronic hypertension?

Correct Answer:

when managing chronic hypertension in pregnant women, medication choices must be made with consideration for both maternal health and fetal safety. among the available antihypertensive drugs, methyldopa is one of the most commonly prescribed due to its long-standing record of safety and efficacy in pregnancy. methyldopa works by controlling blood pressure through central mechanisms, thereby reducing the risks associated with high blood pressure without adversely affecting the fetus.

other medications, such as labetalol, also serve as safe options for managing hypertension during pregnancy. labetalol acts by blocking alpha and beta-adrenergic receptors, which helps in lowering blood pressure. both methyldopa and labetalol are endorsed by various health organizations as first-line treatments during pregnancy because they have been shown to be safe for the fetus while effectively managing maternal blood pressure.

on the other hand, certain classes of antihypertensive drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy due to their potential risks to fetal development. ace inhibitors, such as enalapril and lisinopril, are avoided because they can cause fetal renal dysfunction, oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid levels), and other congenital malformations. similarly, angiotensin receptor blockers are avoided for similar reasons.

diuretics are generally not used as a primary treatment for hypertension in pregnant women. although they can help reduce blood pressure by removing excess fluid, there is a concern that they could decrease plasma volume too much. this reduction in plasma volume can lead to diminished blood flow to the placenta, potentially compromising fetal oxygen and nutrient supply, and may result in adverse outcomes.

in summary, methyldopa is often selected as the safest and most effective medication for managing chronic hypertension in pregnant women. it has a proven track record of causing minimal risk to the developing fetus while providing effective control of hypertension, thus helping to prevent potential complications during pregnancy. other safe alternatives include labetalol, while ace inhibitors and diuretics are typically avoided due to their associated risks.