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HESI Medical Assisting (HESI-MA) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Understanding what is on the HESI Medical Assisting exam is crucial step in preparing for the exam. You will need to have an understanding of the testing domain (topics covered) to be sure you are studying the correct information.

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  • Increases the likelihood of success.
  • Keeps you informed about your field's current demands and standards.
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Understanding the exact breakdown of the HESI Medical Assisting (CMS,RMS,NCMA) Exit test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The HESI Medical Assisting (CMS,RMS,NCMA) Exit has multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

HESI Medical Assisting (CMS,RMS,NCMA) Exit Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Anatomy and Physiology 11% 11
Medical Office Management - General Office Procedures 10% 10
Medical Office Management - Bookkeeping 4% 4
Medical Office Management - Insurance Processings 4% 4
Medical Procedures 12% 12
Patient Examination 12% 12
Phlebotomy 11% 11
Diagnostic Testing: ECG and other Lab Procedures 12% 12
Medical Terminology 12% 12
Pharmacology 12% 12

HESI Medical Assisting (CMS,RMS,NCMA) Exit - Exam Topics Sample Questions

What does the mediastinum separate?

Correct Answer:
the mediastinum is a central compartment within the thoracic cavity, situated between the right and left pleural cavities that contain the lungs. it is a crucial anatomical region that houses several vital organs and structures.

the primary role of the mediastinum is to serve as a partition between the two lungs. this division helps in organizing the thoracic cavity, allowing for the efficient functioning and protection of its contents. the mediastinum contains important structures such as the heart and its large vessels (including the aorta, superior and inferior vena cava), the esophagus, the trachea, and various lymph nodes and nerves.

it is important to clarify that although the mediastinum is surrounded by the lungs, it does not contain them. instead, it separates them, providing a distinct barrier that compartmentalizes the thoracic cavity. this separation is crucial for both protective and functional reasons, ensuring that movements, infections, or other issues affecting one lung or one side of the chest do not necessarily compromise the other side.

furthermore, the mediastinum supports the central thoracic organs structurally and functionally. it provides a stable environment that facilitates the secure passage of nerves, blood vessels, and the esophagus through the thorax to connect with other parts of the body. this arrangement is essential for coordinated physiological functions such as breathing, circulation, and digestion.

in summary, the mediastinum plays a critical role in separating the lungs and maintaining the structural and functional integrity of the thoracic cavity. its ability to isolate the lungs from each other ensures that each lung operates independently while still supporting overall respiratory function.