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HESI Adult Health II Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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HESI Adult Health II - Reviews

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"I want to thank you... the tests are really helpful. I took it three times and after using your exams I finally passed it. The tests helped me specially on math section, which I got 90. "

Juliet M.

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HESI Adult Health II - Test Reviews Sample Questions

In terms of components of the hematologic system, which of the following is a self-renewing cell from which all the differentiated bone marrow cell lines derive?

Correct Answer:
pluripotent stem cell
the correct answer to the question regarding the component of the hematologic system that serves as a self-renewing source for all differentiated bone marrow cell lines is the pluripotent stem cell.

pluripotent stem cells are fundamental to the hematologic system. they are located in the bone marrow and possess the unique ability to differentiate into various types of cells that make up the blood and immune systems. this includes red blood cells, which carry oxygen to tissues; white blood cells, which fight infections; and platelets, which are crucial for blood clotting.

the self-renewing capability of pluripotent stem cells means that they can proliferate without losing their potential to develop into multiple cell types. this characteristic is essential for maintaining a steady supply of blood cells throughout an individual’s life. the process of differentiation from pluripotent stem cells to specific blood cells occurs within the bone marrow under tightly regulated conditions, influenced by various growth factors and cytokines.

as the pluripotent stem cells differentiate, they pass through several stages of development. initially, they give rise to multipotent progenitors specific to the hematopoietic (blood-forming) lineage. these progenitors gradually commit to becoming particular types of blood cells. during this process, the cells undergo several changes in gene expression and functionality before finally maturing and being released into the bloodstream.

understanding the role and function of pluripotent stem cells is crucial not only in basic biology but also in medical applications. for example, disorders such as leukemia disrupt the normal differentiation process of these stem cells, leading to the proliferation of immature cells. moreover, harnessing the power of pluripotent stem cells is fundamental in regenerative medicine and treatments such as bone marrow transplants.

in summary, the pluripotent stem cell is indispensable in the generation of the diverse cell lineages that constitute the hematologic system, serving as a self-renewing wellspring that sustains blood cell production throughout the life of an individual.