Everything you need to pass your certification exam!
Looking for more information about the exam? Check out our HESI Acute Care Nurse Practitioner FAQs
Our HESI practice exams are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking. Created to mimic the real exam, Our HESI practice tests feature:
Buy one or save big with a practice test bundle for the HESI ACNP exam.
"My favorite thing about ExamEdge's online practice test is that they mimicked the actual exam. I walked into the exam feeling confident I knew the material and walked out knowing my time studying with Exam Edge was well worth the effort."
Olivia R., Washington
To pass the HESI Acute Care Nurse Practitioner test you need a score of 750.
The range of possible scores is 0 to 1200.
At Exam Edge, we are proud to invest time and effort to make sure that Our HESI practice tests are as realistic as possible. Our practice tests help you prepare by replicating key qualities of the real test, including:
Yes! We offer practice tests for 49 different exam subjects, and there are 1,050 unique exams utilizing 106060 practice exam questions. Every subject has a free sample practice test you can try too!
HESI Nurse Practitioner
HESI Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
Practice Tests
HESI Adult Health II
Practice Tests
HESI Adult Nurse Practitioner
Practice Tests
HESI Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)
Practice Tests
HESI Family Nurse Practitioner
Practice Tests
HESI Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Practice Tests
HESI Specialty
HESI Community (HESI-Comm)
Practice Tests
HESI Critical Care (HesiCriticalCare)
Practice Tests
HESI Dental Assisting Exit (HESI-DA)
Practice Tests
HESI Dosage Calculations (HESI-DC)
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
HESI EMT-Paramedic Exit (HESI-EMT-P)
Practice Tests
HESI Foundations of Nursing (HESI-Foundations)
Practice Tests
HESI Fundamentals of Nursing (HESI-Fundamentals)
Practice Tests
HESI Gerontology (HesiGerontology)
Practice Tests
HESI Health Assessment (Hesi Health Assessment )
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
HESI Maternity (Maternity)
Practice Tests
HESI Medical Assisting (CMS,RMS,NCMA) Exit (HESI-MA)
Practice Tests
HESI Medical Billing (HESI-MB)
Practice Tests
HESI Med Office Admin (HESI-MA)
Practice Tests
HESI Medical-Surgical (HesiMedSurg)
Practice Tests
HESI Nursing Executive
Practice Tests
HESI Nursing Leadership / Management
Practice Tests
HESI Nutrition
Practice Tests
HESI PN Specialty Fundamentals (HESI-FPN)
Practice Tests
HESI PN exit (HesiPN)
Practice Tests
HESI Pediatric Nursing (Nursing Care of Children).
Practice Tests
HESI Pharmacology (HesiPharma)
Practice Tests
HESI Psychiatric Mental Health NP (HesiMentalHealth)
Practice Tests
HESI RN Specialty Fundamentals (HESI-FRN)
Practice Tests
HESI RN exit (HesiRN)
Practice Tests
HESI Veterinary Technology Exit (HESI--VET)
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
HESI Anat and Phys, Biology, Chemistry
Practice Tests
HESI Anatomy and Physiology
Practice Tests
HESI Biology
Practice Tests
HESI Chemistry
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
HESI English
Practice Tests
HESI Entrance (A2 Entrance)
Practice Tests
HESI Entrance Advanced (A2 Entrance-ADV)
Practice Tests
HESI Grammar
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
HESI Pathophysiology
Practice Tests
HESI Radiography Limited License Exit (HESI-RLL)
Practice Tests
HESI Radiology (HESI-RA)
Practice Tests
HESI Reading Comprehension
Practice Tests
HESI Vocab
Practice Tests
To order tests, or take a sample test, for a different subject:
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For up-to-date information about registration for the Health Education Systems, Inc, refer to the Health Education Systems, Inc website.
You have decided on a career in nursing and discover the HESI exam is your next hurdle. Exactly what are the HESI exams?
Health Education Systems Incorporated (HESI) is partnered with Elsvier to produce assessments that are designed to predict a candidate's success on the professional licensure exams. Nursing programs will utilize these tests to screen prospective nursing students prior to entering a program, to evaluate mastery of a specific course, or to exit the program and evaluate readiness for the licensing exam.
The HESI A2 Entrance Exam is used by many schools of nursing to screen applicants prior to admittance to a program. The HESI A2 Entrance Exam consists of two parts: academic and personality. There are 8 subtests available in the academic portion. Not all schools require all sections and the criteria for admission may vary from school to school. Subtests include reading comprehension, vocabulary and general knowledge, grammar, math, physics, biology, anatomy and physiology, and chemistry. The personality portion consists of a learning style profile and a personality profile.
The HESI exit exams are typically administered during the final semester of a program or at the completion of a specific course. These specialized tests identify strengths and weaknesses and detect any remediation needs that might be advised before a candidate takes the licensure exam. These exams assess critical thinking skills and knowledge as it relates to the nursing process, client needs, and specialty area. Multiple choice is the predominant format used on the HESI exams, however multiple response, fill in the blank, hotspots, charts items may also be included.