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ATCB ART-BC (ATR) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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ATCB Art Therapist Board Certified - Reviews

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ATCB Art Therapist Board Certified - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Active listening is a crucial part of the initial interview and full process. Paraphrasing what the client is saying is an example of what active listening skill?

Correct Answer:

paraphrasing is an essential active listening skill used during client interviews and throughout the counseling process. it involves the listener repeating back what the speaker has said, using their own words. this technique serves to confirm that the listener has correctly understood the speaker's message and provides the speaker with the opportunity to clarify if misunderstood. this skill is particularly critical in building trust and ensuring accurate communication in therapeutic settings.

the purpose of paraphrasing can be multifaceted. firstly, it demonstrates to the client that the listener is fully engaged and genuinely interested in what is being discussed. this can help in creating a safe and supportive environment where the client feels valued and understood. secondly, paraphrasing helps to reinforce what has been said, which can aid both the listener's and speaker's memory of the conversation and ensure that important details are not overlooked.

an example of how paraphrasing might be used in a counseling session is as follows: if a client says, "i've been feeling overwhelmed at work because my supervisor has been giving me short deadlines," the counselor might respond, "it sounds like you're under a lot of pressure with tight deadlines from your boss." this response shows that the counselor is not only listening but also understanding the client's feelings and the situation.

effective paraphrasing requires the listener to be attentive and to possess the ability to interpret the main ideas and emotions in the speaker's words. it is not merely about repeating the exact words spoken, but rather about capturing and reflecting the underlying message. this skill is vital in ensuring clear communication and is a fundamental component of active listening.