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LCSW (LCSW) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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Licensed Clinical Social Worker - Reviews

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Licensed Clinical Social Worker - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Lessening the client’s feelings of guilt or anxiety by defining the situation using general terms is known as what interviewing technique?

Correct Answer:

the correct interviewing technique described in the question is "universalization." universalization is a method used in therapeutic settings where the therapist helps the client understand that their feelings and experiences are common and shared by many others. this approach aims to lessen the client’s feelings of isolation, guilt, or anxiety by showing them that what they are going through is not unique or unusual but rather a part of a wider human experience.

this technique contrasts with other methods such as: - **partialization**, which involves breaking down a large or complex problem into smaller, more manageable parts, allowing the client to address each piece one at a time. - **explaining**, where the therapist provides information or clarification to help the client understand their situation better, often explaining the dynamics behind their feelings or behaviors. - **reassurance**, which aims to comfort the client, ensuring them that their feelings or situations can be resolved or managed and that support is available.

thus, when a therapist uses universalization, they are essentially normalizing the client's experiences by using general terms and broader human contexts. this can provide significant relief to clients who may feel overwhelmed by their emotions or who may be harshly judging themselves for their feelings or actions. by realizing that others have similar struggles, clients are often able to approach their situations with a reduced sense of stigma and increased openness to treatment.