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AMT RPT (RPT) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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AMT Registered Phlebotomy Technician - Reviews

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AMT Registered Phlebotomy Technician - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Which of the following statements about serum blood collection is least accurate?

Correct Answer:
serum contains fibrinogen and can be used for coagulation studies.

the statement "serum contains fibrinogen and can be used for coagulation studies" is the least accurate among the options provided regarding serum blood collection. to understand why this statement is incorrect, it is essential to distinguish between serum and plasma, two different components derived from blood.

when blood is collected for serum preparation, it is left to clot naturally after being drawn. this clotting process typically takes about 30 to 60 minutes. during clotting, fibrinogen, a soluble protein found in blood plasma, is converted into fibrin by the action of the enzyme thrombin. fibrin forms a mesh that traps blood cells and helps in forming the clot. after clot formation, the liquid portion that can be separated by centrifugation is called serum. notably, since fibrinogen is consumed during the clotting process to form fibrin, it is no longer present in the serum. this absence of fibrinogen in serum is crucial because fibrinogen is necessary for coagulation studies, which assess the blood's ability to clot properly.

on the other hand, plasma is obtained by centrifuging blood that has been treated with an anticoagulant (a substance that prevents clotting). since the anticoagulant inhibits the clotting process, fibrinogen remains in the solution. plasma, therefore, contains fibrinogen along with other dissolved components, making it suitable for coagulation studies.

this distinction is vital for medical laboratory testing. serum, lacking fibrinogen, is primarily used for various diagnostic tests, including most chemistry and immunology tests, which do not require fibrinogen. in contrast, plasma is used for tests that analyze the coagulation system of the blood, including the measurement of clotting factors and fibrinogen levels.

thus, the statement that "serum contains fibrinogen and can be used for coagulation studies" is incorrect because serum does not contain fibrinogen after the clotting process. understanding these differences is essential for correctly utilizing serum and plasma in clinical diagnostics and ensuring accurate test results.