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AMT MT (MT) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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AMT Medical Technologist - Reviews

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""I just received my test score and I passed on my first try! Your tests definitely made the difference for me! The questions on the real test were so similar that I felt very comfortable taking it. I will recommend your site to everyone I know that’s preparing for the Med Tech test!!!""

Sue B

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AMT Medical Technologist - Test Reviews Sample Questions

The term used when the cerebrospinal fluid has turned a yellow color after an injury would be considered which of the following?

Correct Answer:
the correct term used to describe cerebrospinal fluid (csf) that has turned a yellow color following an injury is "xanthochromic." this discoloration of the csf is typically indicative of the presence of blood breakdown products in the fluid, often resulting from bleeding into the subarachnoid space. this type of bleeding can occur due to various reasons such as a traumatic injury, rupture of cerebral aneurysms, or other vascular abnormalities within the brain.

when blood enters the cerebrospinal fluid, it can break down over time, leading to the release of pigments such as bilirubin, which imparts a yellow color to the csf. this process is similar to the formation of a bruise on the skin, where the initial red color gradually turns yellow as the blood cells degrade. in the context of csf, this yellow discoloration, known as xanthochromia, can be detected through visual inspection or specific laboratory tests and is a critical diagnostic marker in medical settings.

the term "xanthochromia" comes from the greek words "xanthos" meaning yellow and "chroma" meaning color. it is a distinct finding that helps healthcare professionals differentiate between various causes of neurological symptoms and is especially important in the diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage, a potentially life-threatening condition. timely and accurate identification of xanthochromia through analysis of lumbar puncture samples is essential for the appropriate management and treatment of affected patients.

it is important to note that xanthochromia can sometimes appear due to other reasons such as high protein levels in the csf or the presence of other pigmented substances. therefore, medical interpretation of csf xanthochromia should always be done in conjunction with other clinical evaluations and diagnostic tests to ensure an accurate diagnosis and appropriate therapeutic approach.