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AMT CMLA (CMLA) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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AMT Certified Medical Lab Assistant - Reviews

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AMT Certified Medical Lab Assistant - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Which of the following statements regarding personal protective equipment is NOT correct?

Correct Answer:
gloves must be worn when specimens are collected but there is no need to change gloves between patients.

personal protective equipment (ppe) is essential for ensuring the safety of healthcare workers, patients, and laboratory personnel by providing a barrier against potential exposure to infectious agents or hazardous materials. understanding correct usage and procedures associated with ppe is crucial for maintaining a safe working environment. here, we focus on the specifics of glove use, which is a common component of ppe in healthcare and laboratory settings.

the first statement, "gloves should be worn when in contact with patients, specimens, and laboratory equipment or fixtures," is correct. this practice prevents the direct contact with potentially infectious agents or hazardous chemicals, thereby protecting both the wearer and the patient from cross-contamination. gloves act as a physical barrier, reducing the risk of transferring pathogens or harmful substances.

however, the statement, "gloves must be worn when specimens are collected but there is no need to change gloves between patients," is not correct and represents a significant breach in infection control protocols. gloves must be changed between each patient to prevent cross-contamination between patients. using the same pair of gloves for more than one patient can transfer pathogens from one patient to another, increasing the risk of spreading infections.

moreover, it is important to note that wearing gloves is not a substitute for hand hygiene. hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub should be used after removing gloves. this practice is essential because gloves can have minute defects that allow microorganisms to reach the skin, or contamination can occur during glove removal.

in a laboratory setting, similar principles apply. gloves should be changed whenever they become noticeably contaminated, torn, or punctured. it is also recommended to change gloves after the completion of a task or when moving from one work area to another to prevent the spread of contaminants. additionally, gloves should always be removed when leaving the laboratory to avoid the transfer of hazardous materials to other areas.

lastly, the use of fluid-resistant laboratory coats with wrist cuffs, as mentioned, is another important safety measure. these coats protect the wearer's clothing and skin from exposure to potentially infectious or hazardous substances. this type of ppe is particularly important during procedures that might generate splashes or sprays of these materials.

in summary, the incorrect statement highlights a common misconception about glove use in healthcare and laboratory settings. proper glove use, including changing gloves between patients and following hand hygiene protocols, is critical to preventing infection and ensuring the safety of both healthcare providers and patients. understanding and adhering to correct ppe practices is essential for effective infection control.