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AMCB CNM (CNM) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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AMCB Certified Nurse-Midwife - Reviews

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AMCB Certified Nurse-Midwife - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Female transcervical sterilization (Essure) is performed via hysteroscopy under local anesthesia. After the completion of this procedure, how long should the patient continue to take additional contraception?

Correct Answer:
3 months
the correct answer is "3 months."

female transcervical sterilization using the essure system is a procedure that involves placing small metal coils into the fallopian tubes via a hysteroscopic approach, which does not require incisions. this procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, which numbs the area but allows the patient to remain awake.

after the coils are placed in the fallopian tubes, tissue begins to grow around them over the following weeks. this growth eventually blocks the fallopian tubes, which prevents sperm from reaching and fertilizing an egg. however, this process does not happen immediately. it typically takes about three months for enough tissue growth to occur to ensure that the fallopian tubes are fully blocked.

during this three-month period, it is crucial that the patient continues to use an alternative form of contraception to prevent pregnancy. the effectiveness of the essure procedure in preventing pregnancy is not immediate, and relying on it without additional contraception during this time can result in unintended pregnancy.

after three months, the patient must undergo a follow-up test called a hysterosalpingography (hsg). this test involves using an x-ray technique to ensure that the fallopian tubes are completely blocked. if the test confirms that the tubes are fully obstructed, then the patient can rely on the essure system for contraception. if the tubes are not completely blocked, the patient will need to continue using alternative contraception until full blockage is confirmed.

therefore, it is recommended that patients who undergo the essure procedure continue to use another form of contraception for at least three months after the procedure, until the effectiveness of the tubal blockage has been validated through the follow-up hsg test.