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AMCB CM (CM) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the AMCB Certified Midwife test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The AMCB Certified Midwife has 175 multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

AMCB Certified Midwife Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Primary Care 12%-16% 25
Antepartum Care 15%-25% 32
Intrapartum Care 25%-35% 53
Postpartum 5%-10% 11
Newborn Care 10%-15% 21
Well Woman/gynecology 15%-20% 32
Professional Issues 1%-5% 2

AMCB Certified Midwife - Exam Topics Sample Questions

The virus most recurrently passed from mother to baby during pregnancy is known as which of the following?

Correct Answer:
tomegalovirus (cmv). *p cytomegalovirus, often abbreviated as cmv, belongs to the herpesvirus family, which also includes viruses like herpes simplex viruses that cause oral and genital herpes, and the varicella-zoster virus, which causes chickenpox and shingles. cmv is known for its stealthy behavior, as it can remain dormant within the body over a long period. this ability to stay latent and then reactivate makes managing and predicting the virus's impact challenging. *p cmv is particularly significant in the context of pregnancy because it is the virus most commonly transmitted from a pregnant woman to her fetus. this transmission can occur via the placenta during pregnancy, during delivery when the baby passes through the birth canal, or after birth through breast milk. although cmv is generally harmless to healthy children and adults, it can cause serious disease in babies infected before birth, known as congenital cmv. *p approximately 1% of all newborns are born with congenital cmv. although many of these babies will not show symptoms or suffer long-term health consequences, some may experience complications. these complications can include hearing loss, vision loss, developmental and motor delays, and in severe cases, more critical conditions such as microcephaly or even fetal death. *p preventative measures against cmv transmission during pregnancy are somewhat limited, as there is currently no vaccine available. however, simple hygienic practices such as hand washing, particularly after changing diapers, and avoiding sharing food and utensils with young children can reduce the risk of acquiring cmv. *p in summary, cmv is the virus most frequently passed from mother to baby during pregnancy, and it poses significant risks, particularly in cases of congenital infection. awareness and appropriate hygienic precautions are key to managing the risk of cmv transmission.

The second Apgar score is recorded at how many minutes after birth?

Correct Answer:
5 minutes
the second apgar score is recorded at 5 minutes after birth. *p the apgar scoring system is a critical tool used by medical professionals to quickly assess the health of a newborn immediately after birth. it was developed by dr. virginia apgar in 1952. the score helps to determine whether a newborn needs immediate medical care. *p the apgar test evaluates five criteria: heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex response, and skin coloration. each of these five factors is scored on a scale of 0 to 2, with 2 being the best possible score for each criterion. the scores are then summed to give a total apgar score ranging from 0 to 10. *p the first apgar score is taken at 1 minute after birth, which provides an initial assessment of the baby's immediate health following delivery. this score helps medical professionals understand how well the baby tolerated the birthing process. *p the second apgar score, which is the focus of this question, is taken at 5 minutes after birth. this score is crucial as it helps the medical team assess how well the baby is doing outside the mother's womb. a significant improvement or decline in the apgar score between the first and the second evaluation can indicate how well the baby is adapting to the new environment, or if there are any immediate health concerns that need to be addressed. *p in some cases, if there are concerns about the baby's condition, the apgar evaluation may be extended, with additional scores recorded at 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and even 20 minutes after birth. however, the standard practice is to record apgar scores at 1 minute and 5 minutes.