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AAPAIN CPP (CPP) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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AAPAIN Credential for Pain Practitioners - Reviews

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AAPAIN Credential for Pain Practitioners - Test Reviews Sample Questions

A patient is having pain (acute or chronic) and although pain medication has being given, the patient is having periods of pain in between doses. Which of the following is the name for this type of pain?

Correct Answer:
breakthrough pain

the correct answer to the question is "breakthrough pain." this specific type of pain refers to sudden, temporary flares of pain that occur even though a patient is regularly taking pain medication prescribed for chronic or baseline pain. it typically transpires in the intervals between scheduled medication doses and is notably more intense than the patient’s usual or baseline pain.

breakthrough pain can be triggered by various factors depending on the underlying condition of the patient. for instance, in patients with cancer, it might be due to the progression of the disease or as a side effect of treatment. in non-cancer conditions, such as arthritis or neuropathy, movements or activities that strain the body part affected by the disease could precipitate an episode.

management of breakthrough pain involves adjusting the existing pain management plan. this might include prescribing additional pain relief medication that can be taken during these flare-ups. the medication for breakthrough pain is usually faster acting and is taken on an "as needed" basis, in contrast to regular pain medication which is taken at scheduled times throughout the day to maintain a steady state of pain control.

it is important for healthcare providers to educate patients about identifying and managing breakthrough pain effectively. this involves recognizing the onset of pain early and treating it promptly with appropriate medications or techniques advised by their healthcare provider. adjusting lifestyle factors and employing other pain relief methods such as physical therapy, relaxation techniques, or heat and cold therapy might also be recommended as part of a comprehensive pain management strategy.