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AAPC CPC (CPC) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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AAPC Certified Professional Coder - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Which Pathology HCPCS Level II Code(s) is/are for miscellaneous pathology and lab tests?

Correct Answer:
p9010 – p9615.
to answer the question regarding which pathology hcpcs level ii code(s) are designated for miscellaneous pathology and laboratory tests, the correct answer is p9010 – p9615.

hcpcs (healthcare common procedure coding system) level ii codes are used in the medical field primarily to identify products, supplies, and services not included in the cpt (current procedural terminology) codes, such as ambulance services, durable medical equipment, and certain drugs, injections, and medical services and procedures.

among these codes, different ranges are specified for various types of pathology and laboratory tests. for instance: - p2028 – p2038 are allocated for chemistry and toxicology tests. these tests generally involve the analysis of chemical elements within the body or the detection of toxins. - p3000 – p3001 cover pathology screening tests. these are typically used to detect or rule out certain diseases based on the presence of specific markers or cells. - p7001 is designated for microbiology tests, which involve the study and analysis of microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi. - p9010 – p9615 are specifically set aside for miscellaneous pathology and lab tests. this broad category encompasses various tests that do not neatly fall into the more narrowly defined categories of the other code ranges.

it is important for healthcare providers and billers to use these codes appropriately to ensure accurate billing and reimbursement for the services performed. each code corresponds to a specific test or procedure, helping to streamline the billing process and facilitate clearer communication among healthcare providers, payers, and patients.

in summary, for miscellaneous pathology and laboratory tests outside the defined categories of chemistry, toxicology, screening, and microbiology, the correct hcpcs level ii codes to reference are p9010 – p9615. these codes cover a wide range of tests and are essential in the proper management and billing of diverse and unspecified lab tests in the medical field.