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RNCB Certified Radiology Nurse - Reviews

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RNCB Certified Radiology Nurse - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Which of the following is information often included in a discharge summary?

Correct Answer:


a discharge summary is completed for each patient who is admitted and discharged from a hospital or other facility where inpatient care is provided. the typical components of a discharge summary includes (1) the date the patient is admitted (2) the date the patient is discharged (3) the admitting diagnosis (4) the discharge diagnosis (5) the name of the attending physician (6) a list of consulting physicians, if applicable (7) procedures, if applicable (8) the patient’s history, including physical examination information, laboratory values (9) the daily progress of the patient’s care and response to the care received while in the hospital – hospital course (10) the patient’s condition at the time of discharge (11) the patient’s disposition, such as patient is discharged home, or the patient is discharged to the beacon skilled nursing facility, etc (12) the patients medications at the time of discharge (13) instructions the patients will need to perform after discharge and follow up instructions, such as returning to the physician office for a follow up appointment and (14) a problem list.

Diverticular bleeding occurs due to what?

Correct Answer:
small blood vessels next to diverticula being chronically injured.
diverticular bleeding is primarily attributed to the chronic injury of small blood vessels located adjacent to the diverticula in the bowel lining. this bleeding is one of the significant complications associated with diverticular disease, which encompasses three related gastrointestinal conditions: diverticulosis, diverticulitis, and diverticular bleeding.

diverticular disease often begins with diverticulosis, where small bulging pouches, or diverticula, form along the digestive tract, predominantly in the large intestine. while diverticula themselves are generally harmless and often symptom-free, they can occasionally become a source for complications. one such complication is diverticular bleeding.

the mechanism behind diverticular bleeding involves the small blood vessels that run alongside these pouches. over time, the presence of the diverticula may cause strain and chronic injury to these vessels. factors such as increased bowel pressure, aging, and natural weakening of the blood vessel walls can lead to these vessels becoming more susceptible to rupture. when they rupture, significant bleeding can occur, which is often painless but can be quite severe and may manifest as sudden, noticeable bleeding from the rectum.

it's important to distinguish diverticular bleeding from diverticulitis, though both are related to the presence of diverticula. diverticulitis occurs when the diverticula become inflamed or infected, which can lead to symptoms such as pain, fever, and a marked change in bowel habits. while diverticulitis can sometimes involve bleeding, it is the inflammation and infection that are the primary concerns, distinct from the direct bleeding caused by vessel injury in diverticular bleeding.

in summary, diverticular bleeding is specifically caused by the chronic injury and eventual rupture of small blood vessels next to the diverticula. this condition is one of the potential and more serious developments from the initially benign condition of diverticulosis. management and treatment of diverticular bleeding typically involve stabilizing the patient, often through hospitalization, and addressing the bleeding through medical or surgical interventions to prevent further blood loss and complications.