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NNAAP NH Nurse Aides Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the NNAAP New Hampshire Nurse Aides test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The NNAAP New Hampshire Nurse Aides has 70 multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

NNAAP New Hampshire Nurse Aides Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Physical Care Skills - Activities of Daily Living 14% 10
Physical Care Skills - Basic Nursing Skills 39% 27
Physical Care Skills - Restorative Skills 8% 6
Psychosocial Care Skills - Emotional and Mental Health Needs 11% 8
Psychosocial Care Skills - Spiritual and Cultural Needs 2% 1
Role of the NA - Communication 8% 6
Role of the NA - Client Rights 7% 5
Role of the NA - Legal and Ethical Behavior 3% 2
Role of the NA - Member of the Health Care Team 8% 6

NNAAP New Hampshire Nurse Aides - Exam Topics Sample Questions

Which of the following statements concerning rehabilitation is false?

Correct Answer:
rehabilitation takes time and patience but it will bring about a complete return to normal.

rehabilitation is a critical process in the recovery from illness, injury, or surgery. it focuses on helping individuals regain their strength, skills, or abilities, and to relearn activities of daily living. the overall goal is to help patients achieve the highest possible level of independence and quality of life.

one of the false statements often associated with the concept of rehabilitation is that it "will bring about a complete return to normal." this expectation is misleading and often not achievable. rehabilitation does take time and requires patience, but the outcomes can vary greatly depending on numerous factors, including the severity of the original condition, the type of injury or illness, the age and general health of the patient, and the presence of other comorbid conditions.

it is essential to set realistic goals in rehabilitation. while complete recovery might be possible for some, for others, improvements might be incremental, and achieving a "new normal" might be the goal rather than a complete return to pre-illness or pre-injury status. rehabilitation professionals, including physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists, work closely with patients to set achievable goals tailored to their specific situations.

the process of rehabilitation does not begin immediately after an injury or the onset of illness. it typically starts once the acute phase—the period of intense medical management—has subsided. at this point, the focus shifts from immediate survival to long-term recovery and management of symptoms. this phase can involve various therapies aimed at improving physical function, cognitive abilities, and emotional well-being.

moreover, it is crucial for the patient and their family members to understand that progress may be slow and that the path to recovery can be challenging. educating patients and families about the realistic outcomes and potential limitations of rehabilitation can help in managing expectations and fostering a supportive environment for recovery.

in summary, the statement that "rehabilitation takes time and patience but it will bring about a complete return to normal" is false because it overpromises and overlooks the complexities and individual variations in the rehabilitation process. understanding and accepting that some gains may be minor and that a complete return to normal may not always be possible is essential for both patients and their support networks.

Which of the following statements about spinal cord injuries is least accurate?

Correct Answer:
the lower the level of injury, the more functions are lost.

the statement "the lower the level of injury, the more functions are lost" regarding spinal cord injuries is incorrect. in reality, the severity of the functional loss due to a spinal cord injury largely depends on the level at which the injury occurs on the spinal column. the spinal cord is a crucial component of the central nervous system, running from the base of the brain down through the spinal column, and it is responsible for transmitting signals between the brain and the rest of the body.

to understand why the statement is incorrect, it's important to know that the spinal cord is organized in segments, and each segment controls different parts of the body. the higher up the injury is on the spinal cord (closer to the brain), the greater the potential for more extensive paralysis and loss of function. this is because injuries at higher levels affect all the lower segments.

for instance, injuries to the cervical section of the spinal cord (which is the highest portion of the spine, located in the neck) can result in quadriplegia, which is paralysis of all four limbs, along with potential respiratory issues, depending on the specific cervical level affected. as the injury site moves lower on the spine, into the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral regions, fewer bodily regions are affected. for example, an injury to the thoracic region may result in paraplegia, which is paralysis of the lower limbs, while still retaining function in the upper body.

rehabilitation plays a crucial role in the recovery and management of spinal cord injuries. the goal of rehabilitation is to help the individual achieve the highest level of independence and quality of life possible, taking into account the level and extent of the injury. techniques and treatments in rehabilitation may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, use of adaptive technologies, and psychological counseling.

additionally, in cases where the spinal cord injury is incomplete, meaning the spinal cord is not entirely severed, there may still be some function or sensation below the level of the injury. recovery in such cases can vary significantly, and some individuals may regain a substantial amount of function over time.

in summary, the statement "the lower the level of injury, the more functions are lost" is misleading and inaccurate. the correct understanding should be that the higher the spinal injury occurs, the more extensive the potential loss of function. this is a critical distinction for medical treatment, rehabilitation, and patient education regarding the prognosis of spinal cord injuries.