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AACN Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialists - Blogs Sample Questions

Which of the following signs of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may not appear until a patient is in the 60s?

Correct Answer:
cardiac hypertrophy.

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (hcm) is a condition characterized by the thickening of the heart muscle (myocardium), particularly in the ventricles. this thickening can interfere with the heart's ability to pump blood effectively and can lead to a variety of symptoms and complications. hcm is often diagnosed through the detection of cardiac hypertrophy, but the manifestation of symptoms and the severity of the condition can vary widely among individuals.

one of the signs of hcm that may not appear until later in life, such as in a patient's 60s, is heart failure. heart failure in the context of hcm is primarily due to the heart muscle becoming so thickened and stiff that it loses the ability to pump blood efficiently. over time, this inefficient pumping can lead to heart failure, where the heart is unable to meet the body's demands for blood and oxygen.

cardiac hypertrophy, on the other hand, is a hallmark of hcm and is typically present at the time of diagnosis, regardless of the age of onset. this thickening of the heart walls can be detected through imaging studies such as echocardiography. it's important to note that while cardiac hypertrophy is central to the diagnosis, the degree of hypertrophy and the age at which it becomes noticeable can vary. some individuals may not show significant hypertrophy until later in life, but this is less common.

arrhythmias, another potential sign of hcm, can occur at any age but might become more apparent or problematic as the disease progresses, or as other heart-related changes occur with aging. arrhythmias in hcm are caused by the disarray of myocardial fibers and abnormal electrical pathways due to the thickened heart muscle.

hypovolemic shock is not a typical sign of hcm. it occurs when there is a severe loss of blood or fluids, leading to a decrease in the volume of blood circulating through the body, which is unrelated to the myocardial thickening seen in hcm.

in summary, while cardiac hypertrophy and arrhythmias are often associated with hcm from an early stage and can be detected through regular monitoring, heart failure may not become apparent until the patient is older, such as in their 60s. regular follow-up and monitoring are essential for managing hcm, particularly as the patient ages and the risk of complications like heart failure increases.

The function of the ascending spinal tract “lateral spinothalamic,” would be considered which of the following?

Correct Answer:
the function of the ascending spinal tract "lateral spinothalamic" is primarily involved in transmitting sensory information related to pain and temperature. this tract carries these specific types of sensory signals from the peripheral nerves to the brain, where they are processed and perceived. the lateral spinothalamic tract is a crucial component of the sensory pathway, enabling the body to respond to painful stimuli and changes in temperature, which are essential for protecting the body from harm and maintaining homeostasis.

other options provided in the question such as posture, muscle tone, and proprioception are not functions associated with the lateral spinothalamic tract. instead, these functions are associated with different spinal tracts: - *posture* is primarily regulated by the descending spinal tract known as the "reticulospinal" tract. this tract influences the motor neurons and interneurons that control the muscles responsible for maintaining posture. - *muscle tone,* which refers to the continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles, is regulated by both the "rubrospinal" and "reticulospinal" tracts. these descending tracts play significant roles in modulating the tension of muscles at rest and during movements. - *proprioception,* the sense of the relative positioning of one's own body parts and strength of effort being employed in movement, is mainly transmitted through the ascending spinal tract known as the "dorsal spinocerebellar" tract. this tract conveys information from the muscles and joints to the cerebellum, which is essential for coordinated movement.

in summary, while the lateral spinothalamic tract is dedicated to the transmission of pain and temperature sensations, other spinal tracts are specialized for different functions such as posture, muscle tone, and proprioception. each tract plays a distinct role in maintaining the body’s functionality and response to the external environment.

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In your journey to get AACN Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialists certified it is important for you to have all information related to your exam. So we have pulled together a list of additional blogs that may be of interest to you because that are all related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

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