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MOH Radiographer - Test Reviews Sample Questions

A liver biopsy can help find the cause of what?

Correct Answer:

a liver biopsy is a medical procedure performed to obtain a small piece of liver tissue, which can then be analyzed under a microscope to diagnose various liver conditions. this procedure is particularly useful in pinpointing the underlying causes of liver abnormalities, including jaundice, which is characterized by a yellowing of the skin and eyes.

jaundice itself is a symptom rather than a disease, and it arises from elevated levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream, typically due to liver dysfunction. the causes of jaundice can vary widely—from benign conditions like gilbert's syndrome to severe disorders such as liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, or cancer. by examining liver tissue, a biopsy helps determine the specific cause of jaundice by checking for signs of liver disease, inflammation, fibrosis, or malignant changes.

the procedure for a liver biopsy involves the insertion of a needle between two of the lower ribs on the right side to extract a tissue sample. this procedure is generally carried out by specialists such as gastroenterologists, hepatologists, surgeons, or radiologists. it requires careful handling and precision to ensure safety and accuracy, given the liver's proximity to other vital organs.

post-procedure, patients typically need to lie on their right side for about 2 to 6 hours to prevent bleeding from the biopsy site. although a liver biopsy is a relatively safe procedure, it carries potential risks such as bleeding, peritonitis, injury to neighboring organs like the intestines, gallbladder, and kidneys, as well as the risk of pneumothorax (collapsed lung).

in summary, a liver biopsy is a crucial diagnostic tool that helps determine the cause of jaundice by evaluating liver tissue for disease or damage. it provides essential information that can guide the management and treatment of various liver conditions, ensuring targeted and effective medical care.

Which of the following drug is only administered through the parenteral route?

Correct Answer:

the question asks which of the given drugs is administered solely through the parenteral route. the correct answer to this question is reopro.

to understand why reopro is the correct answer, it's important to know more about the drug itself and the routes of administration for the other drugs listed. reopro, known generically as abciximab, is an antiplatelet drug. it is used primarily to prevent platelets from clumping together, which helps reduce the risk of arterial thrombosis that can lead to heart attacks or other serious cardiovascular issues. due to the nature of its action and the situations in which it is used—often during percutaneous coronary interventions (such as angioplasty)—reopro is administered intravenously. intravenous administration allows the drug to act quickly and efficiently at the site where it is most needed.

in contrast, the other drugs mentioned—tylenol, zovirax, and xanax—are not exclusively administered through the parenteral route: - tylenol, which is a common brand name for acetaminophen, is primarily an orally-administered drug. it is used to reduce fever and relieve pain. - zovirax, or acyclovir, is an antiviral medication used to treat infections caused by viruses. it can be administered orally or parenterally, making it versatile in its application based on the severity and type of infection. - xanax, known generically as alprazolam, is an anxiolytic medication used in the treatment of anxiety disorders and panic attacks. it is typically administered orally.

given this information, reopro stands out as the only drug among the options provided that is solely administered through the parenteral route, making it the correct answer to the question.