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DOH VI Radiography (DOH-VI) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the DOH Vascular-Interventional Radiography test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The DOH Vascular-Interventional Radiography has multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

DOH Vascular-Interventional Radiography Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Equipment and Instrumentation 15% 17
Patient Care 17% 19
     Neurologic 8% 9
     Abdominal 16% 18
     GU and GI, non vascular 10% 11
     Peripheral 12% 13
     Dialysis 7% 8
     Venous Access 5% 6

DOH Vascular-Interventional Radiography - Exam Topics Sample Questions

What is the length of the flexible portion of a moveable core guidewire?

Correct Answer:
10-15 cm.

guidewires are essential tools in the field of interventional cardiology and radiology, used primarily to facilitate the placement of devices such as catheters within the blood vessels. one of the key types of guidewires used in these procedures is the moveable core guidewire. this type of guidewire is designed to offer enhanced control and flexibility, which is crucial during complex vascular navigations.

the primary characteristic that distinguishes moveable core guidewires from other types is the presence of an inner core that can be manually adjusted by the operator. this adjustment is typically performed using a mandril—a thin, rod-like tool. by manipulating the mandril, the operator can extend or retract the inner core of the guidewire, thereby altering the length of the guidewire's flexible tip. this flexibility is important because it allows the guidewire to adapt to the varying anatomical challenges presented by the patient's vascular system.

the flexible tip of a moveable core guidewire generally measures between 10 to 15 centimeters in length. this specific measurement is crucial as it represents the optimal balance between flexibility and stability. a shorter tip might not provide enough flexibility, making it difficult to navigate through tortuous or narrow vessels. conversely, a tip that is too long might lack the necessary support, reducing the control over the guidewire and potentially leading to inaccuracies in placement.

thus, the 10-15 cm length of the flexible portion of a moveable core guidewire is designed to maximize maneuverability while maintaining enough rigidity to guide catheters safely and precisely to their intended locations within the vascular system. this balance is vital for successful interventions, reducing the risk of complications and improving clinical outcomes.

How much contrast is used in a superior venacavogram?

Correct Answer:

a superior venacavogram is a diagnostic imaging procedure that is specifically designed to assess the condition of the superior vena cava (svc), the large vein that carries blood from the upper half of the body to the heart. this procedure is particularly important in cases where there is a suspected or known thrombus (blood clot) or occlusion (blockage) in the svc. such conditions can lead to significant symptoms and complications, including swelling, pain, and impaired circulation, which necessitates a precise and detailed visual assessment of the venous structure.

during a superior venacavogram, contrast media, which is a special dye that enhances the visibility of internal structures in radiographic images, is injected into the svc. the amount of contrast used is typically between 30-50 cubic centimeters (cc). this quantity is carefully chosen based on various factors that might affect the individual patient's safety and the clarity of the imaging. these factors include the patient’s age, weight, and medical history. the use of contrast helps to delineate the svc clearly against other structures in the chest, thereby allowing for a detailed study of its anatomy and patency.

the procedure is generally conducted under fluoroscopy, which provides real-time x-ray images, enabling the radiologist to observe the flow of contrast through the svc and to identify any abnormalities or disruptions in blood flow that might indicate the presence of a thrombus or occlusion. the decision on the exact amount of contrast to use involves a balance between ensuring sufficient visibility of the venous structures and minimizing the risk of complications, such as allergic reactions to the contrast or kidney damage, particularly in patients with pre-existing kidney issues.

in summary, the use of 30-50 cc of contrast in a superior venacavogram is standard and is tailored to the specific needs and conditions of the patient. this procedure plays a critical role in diagnosing serious conditions affecting the svc, guiding further management, and treatment planning to restore normal blood flow and prevent potential severe complications.