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DOH CT (DOH-CT) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the DOH Computed Tomography test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The DOH Computed Tomography has multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

DOH Computed Tomography Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Patient Care and Safety 17% 17
Image Procedures 50% 50
Physics and Instrumentation 33% 33

DOH Computed Tomography - Exam Topics Sample Questions

The olfactory nerve would be considered responsible for which of the following?

Correct Answer:
sense of smell
the olfactory nerve, also known as cranial nerve i (cni), is primarily responsible for the sense of smell. this nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves that emerge directly from the brain, specifically from the olfactory bulb, which is located beneath the frontal lobe.

the olfactory nerve is unique among the cranial nerves because it is solely a sensory nerve with no motor function. it carries sensory data from the nasal cavity to the brain. this data is then processed by the brain to detect and differentiate various odors. this process is crucial for many everyday functions, including the detection of hazards (such as smoke or spoiled food), enhancing the flavor of food, and various social and behavioral functions.

it is important to note that the olfactory nerve does not have any role in eye movement, sight, or hearing. other cranial nerves are responsible for these functions. for instance, eye movement is controlled by cranial nerves iii (oculomotor nerve), iv (trochlear nerve), and vi (abducens nerve). the sense of sight is primarily the function of cranial nerve ii (optic nerve), while the sense of hearing is facilitated by cranial nerve viii (vestibulocochlear nerve).

in conclusion, the olfactory nerve's sole responsibility is the sense of smell, and it does not contribute to any other sensory or motor functions. its specialized role is critical for the olfactory system, enabling the detection and interpretation of smells that inform behavior and enhance the sensory experience of the world.

In regards to the CT scan, which of the following would be the best description for isotropic?

Correct Answer:
voxels which have equal dimensions along the x-, y-, and z-axes

in medical imaging, particularly in computed tomography (ct), the term "isotropic" refers to voxels (volumetric pixels) that have equal dimensions along the x-, y-, and z-axes. this uniformity allows for high-quality images that can be viewed and manipulated in multiple planes (axial, sagittal, coronal) without loss of spatial resolution. isotropic voxels are especially important in 3d imaging because they preserve the true geometry of the anatomy, enabling accurate measurements and better visualization.

contrary to what might be suggested in some of the provided options, isotropic does not refer to voxels that have unequal dimensions along different axes. such voxels are described as anisotropic. anisotropic voxels do not maintain the same resolution when images are reconstructed in planes other than the original acquisition plane, which may lead to distortion or loss of detail in certain views.

the advent of multidetector ct (mdct) systems has greatly enhanced the ability to acquire isotropic data sets. mdct systems use multiple rows of detector elements, which allows them to capture data at multiple levels simultaneously. this capability, combined with advancements in ct software and hardware, enables the acquisition of high-resolution images in a shorter time, with voxels that can be made nearly or completely isotropic.

therefore, the correct description for isotropic in the context of a ct scan is "voxels which have equal dimensions along the x-, y-, and z-axes." this feature is crucial for producing high-quality diagnostic images that can be effectively used in various medical applications, including detailed 3d reconstructions, precise surgical planning, and accurate assessment of pathologies.

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