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DHA Speech Therapist (DHA-SPT) Practice Exams & Test Prep - Review

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DHA Speech Therapist - Test Reviews Sample Questions

What is NOT included in patient transfer documentation?

Correct Answer:
insurance authorization.
when it comes to patient transfer documentation, certain essential pieces of information must be included to ensure a smooth and effective transition of care from one medical provider to another. however, not all types of information are necessary for this process. for example, insurance authorization is typically not included in patient transfer documentation.

the primary focus of patient transfer documentation is to provide comprehensive medical and personal information about the patient to the receiving provider. this includes the reason for the transfer, which explains why it is medically necessary for the patient to be moved to another facility or level of care. it is crucial for continuity and appropriateness of care, as it informs the receiving provider about the context and urgency of the transfer.

other vital information includes the patient’s care and progress notes, which document the treatments and interventions that have been performed, their outcomes, and any ongoing care needs. this ensures that the receiving medical team has a clear understanding of what has been done and what needs to be continued or adjusted.

the patient’s physical and psychosocial status is also essential. this includes any physical health conditions, psychological issues, or social factors that might affect their care. understanding the patient's overall condition helps the receiving team to plan and provide effective, personalized care.

in contrast, insurance authorization does not typically form part of the transfer documentation. the responsibility for obtaining insurance authorization lies with each individual provider. it involves confirming that the medical services provided are covered under the patient’s insurance policy and does not directly impact the medical care process during the transfer. since each healthcare facility may have different arrangements with various insurance companies, the transferring provider cannot assume responsibility for insurance matters in the context of another facility.

therefore, while insurance authorization is a critical administrative task, it is handled separately from the medical information in patient transfer documentation. the focus of transfer documents remains on delivering all necessary medical information to ensure that patient care is not disrupted during transitions between care settings.

What is typically used for affricates in a child with a cleft palate?

Correct Answer:
nasal substitutions.

in children with cleft palate, speech production can be significantly affected due to the anatomical differences in their oral and nasal structures. affricates, which are complex speech sounds involving a combination of a stop and a fricative, are particularly challenging for these children. the typical speech characteristics observed in these children include various compensatory articulation strategies to cope with their structural deficits.

nasal substitutions are one of the most common compensatory techniques used by children with cleft palate when attempting to produce affricates like "ch" [tʃ] and "j" [dʒ]. normally, affricates require a precise coordination of oral airflow and pressure, but due to the velopharyngeal insufficiency often associated with cleft palate – where there is an inability to completely separate the nasal cavity from the oral cavity during speech – the air escapes through the nose. consequently, the child might use a nasal sound that is easier to produce given the structural constraints, such as substituting [tʃ] with [n] or [m].

apart from nasal substitutions, other types of speech distortions may also be used by these children. deaffrication is another common adaptation, where the affricate is simplified into just a fricative or a stop. for example, instead of producing [tʃ], the child might say [ʃ] or [t]. this simplifies the articulatory process, making it easier for the child to produce the sound given the physiological limitations.

omission of sounds is another possible speech error in children with cleft palate. they might completely leave out the more challenging affricates in their speech, which can impact intelligibility. however, with appropriate speech therapy that focuses on improving velopharyngeal function and teaching compensatory articulation techniques, many children with cleft palate can improve their speech clarity and reduce the prevalence of errors like nasal substitutions, deaffrication, and omissions.

overall, understanding and addressing these speech issues in children with cleft palate requires a comprehensive approach that includes surgical intervention to repair the palate, if possible, coupled with targeted speech therapy. this combined approach helps in enhancing the child's speech development and overall communicative abilities.