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DHA Practical Nurse - Test Reviews Sample Questions

A 40 year old male has anemia. He is scheduled to undergo a blood transfusion. The nurse understands blood transfusions are performed because of

Correct Answer:
blood loss

blood transfusions are medical treatments to replace blood lost through injury, surgery, or disease. in the case of a 40-year-old male with anemia, the need for a blood transfusion primarily arises due to the insufficiency of healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to the body's tissues. anemia itself can be caused by various factors including nutritional deficiencies, chronic health conditions, or genetic disorders, which lead to decreased red blood cell production or increased destruction of these cells.

blood loss is the most direct reason for a blood transfusion. when an individual experiences significant blood loss, for example, from a major surgery or a traumatic injury, the volume of blood in the body decreases, which can lead to shock and other severe complications if not quickly addressed. the transfusion works to restore the blood volume and improve oxygen delivery to tissues.

injury to red blood cells, another reason for transfusion, occurs in conditions such as hemolytic anemia, where red blood cells are destroyed faster than they can be produced. here, transfusions may be necessary to increase the number of functional red blood cells until the underlying issue causing the destruction is treated.

a deficiency in essential components of red blood cells, such as heme, which is part of the hemoglobin molecule, can also necessitate a blood transfusion. nutritional deficits, particularly in iron, vitamin b12, or folate, can impair red blood cell production, leading to anemia. while the primary treatment is to correct the nutritional deficiency, transfusions may be temporarily required to manage severe symptoms.

lastly, the overproduction of white blood cells, typically seen in disorders like leukemia, does not directly lead to the need for blood transfusions. however, the treatment of such conditions (like chemotherapy) can cause anemia due to bone marrow suppression, which then necessitates transfusion support. in summary, blood transfusions in the context of anemia and other conditions are critical interventions aimed at restoring blood volume, improving oxygen delivery, and ensuring the stability of the patient’s hemodynamic status until the primary cause can be addressed.

Which of the following is one of the leading causes of ascites in a client with acute liver failure?

Correct Answer:
low albumin levels
ascites is a medical condition characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, leading to abdominal swelling. this condition is often associated with liver disease, specifically liver failure. one of the primary mechanisms through which liver failure leads to ascites is through the reduction of albumin levels in the blood. albumin is a protein produced by the liver that plays a crucial role in maintaining the oncotic pressure necessary for fluid balance within the bloodstream and tissues.

in healthy individuals, albumin helps to keep fluid in the bloodstream by creating an osmotic gradient that prevents the fluid from leaking out into the tissues. however, when the liver is damaged, as in the case of acute liver failure, its ability to synthesize albumin is compromised. this reduction in albumin levels decreases the oncotic pressure, leading to a higher tendency for fluid to escape from the blood vessels into the surrounding tissues or the abdominal cavity, thereby causing ascites.

furthermore, liver failure impacts the regulation of sodium and water in the body. the damaged liver is less efficient at removing excess sodium, which consequently leads to water retention. this exacerbates the problem of fluid accumulation. additionally, liver failure results in portal hypertension—increased blood pressure in the portal vein system. this increased pressure forces more fluid out of the blood vessels and into the abdominal cavity.

the management of ascites primarily focuses on addressing the underlying liver disease and improving the body's fluid balance. treatments may include dietary sodium restriction, diuretics to increase fluid excretion, and in some cases, therapeutic paracentesis, where excess fluid is manually removed from the abdomen.

in conclusion, low albumin levels due to impaired liver function are a key contributor to the development of ascites in patients with acute liver failure. managing albumin levels through medical intervention and supporting liver function are vital components of treatment for reducing the severity of ascites.