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ASVAB Word Knowledge - Blogs Sample Questions

Researcher, is to facts, as a detective is to 

Correct Answer:

the analogy presented in the question compares the roles and primary focuses of two different professionals: a researcher and a detective. it highlights the similarity in how each approaches their respective tasks, though the nature of their work might differ.

to expand, a researcher is mainly engaged in gathering, analyzing, and synthesizing information to increase knowledge and understanding within a specific field. this process heavily revolves around collecting facts, which are verifiable and objective pieces of information. facts form the backbone of research, serving as the foundational elements upon which theories are built or hypotheses are tested.

similarly, a detective works primarily in the field of law enforcement or private investigation, focusing on solving mysteries or crimes. the equivalent of facts in a detective's line of work is clues. clues are pieces of evidence or information that, when pieced together, help form a coherent picture of the events or circumstances surrounding a crime or mystery. like facts in research, clues are critical in guiding detectives toward resolutions or conclusions.

thus, stating that a "researcher is to facts, as a detective is to clues" effectively captures the parallel in how both professionals rely on specific types of information. both facts and clues must be collected meticulously and analyzed critically to advance a researcher's study or a detective's case. this analogy underscores the importance of accurate and relevant data in both professions, which is crucial for the successful fulfillment of their objectives.

Additional Blogs for ASVAB - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery dfgdfgdfg

In your journey to get ASVAB Word Knowledge certified it is important for you to have all information related to your exam. So we have pulled together a list of additional blogs that may be of interest to you because that are all related to the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery.

Exam Edge Blogs for ASVAB - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery