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AHSGE Exam & AHSGE Certification Info

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The AHSGE, or Alabama High School Graduation Exam, was a test administered by the Alabama State Department of Education to high school students in the state of Alabama. However, this test was phased out after the 2013-2014 school year and is no longer administered. Therefore, it is not possible to take the AHSGE anymore and the information requested cannot be provided.


Alabama High School Central Exit Examination (Central)

The Alabama High School Central Exit Examination (AHSCEE) is a standardized certification test that students in Alabama must pass to graduate from high school. It assesses students' proficiency in core subjects such as math, English, and science, ensuring they have met the state's educational standards. The test is typically administered in the 11th grade and includes multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. The AHSCEE is an important milestone in a student's academic journey, demonstrating their readiness for post-secondary education or entry into the workforce.

200 - Multiple Choice
Demonstrate literal understanding
Interpret passages
Apply critical analysis strategies
Recognize correct grammar and usage
Demonstrate appropriate word choice
Recognize correct sentence structure
Use correct capitalization and punctuation
Use appropriate organizational skills for writing and revising
Perform basic operations on algebraic expressions
Solve equations and inequalities
Apply concepts related to functions
Apply formulas
Apply graphing techniques
Represent problem situations
Solve problems involving a variety of algebraic and geometric concepts
Nature of science (scientific process)
Matter (states, transfer, change, types)
Diversity of life (classification, structure, function)
Heredity (mutations, DNA, traits)
Cells (structure, function, reproduction)
Interdependence (populations, ecosystems)
Energy (transformations, waves)
Force and motion (laws)
Social Studies
Global influence of the pre-colonial and colonial eras of the
Western Hemisphere.
Formation and development of the United States
Eras of revolution, expansion, and reform prior to the United
States Civil War
United States Civil War Era
Developments of the late 19th and 20th centuries
Causes and effects of World War I
Great Depression and World War II

240 Minutes
Alabama High School Language Exit Examination (Language)

The Alabama High School Language Exit Examination is a certification test that evaluates a student's proficiency in English language and literature. Administered during the final year of high school, it assesses reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills. This examination is crucial for graduation and to ensure that students meet the state's academic standards. Its results can also be used for college admissions. Preparing for this test typically involves rigorous study and practice in English language arts. The exam aims to equip students with the necessary language skills for their future academic and professional pursuits.

100 - Multiple Choice
Recognize correct grammar and usage
Demonstrate appropriate word choice.
Recognize correct sentence structure.
Use correct capitalization and punctuation
Use appropriate organizational skills for writing and revising

240 Minutes
Alabama High School Math Exit Examination (Math)

The Alabama High School Math Exit Examination is a standardized certification test administered to high school students in Alabama. This test measures students' mastery of high school math concepts, such as algebra, geometry, and calculus. The results of this examination are used to evaluate students’ readiness for college-level math courses and help in the formulation of individual academic plans. It is a crucial component of the graduation requirements and plays a significant role in the state's accountability system for schools.

100 - Multiple Choice
Perform basic operations on algebraic expressions
Solve equations and inequalities
Apply concepts related to functions
Apply formulas
Apply graphing techniques
Represent problem situations
Solve problems involving a variety of algebraic and geometric concepts

240 Minutes
Alabama High School Reading Exit Examination (Reading)

The Alabama High School Reading Exit Examination is a certification test designed to evaluate the reading proficiency of high school students in Alabama. It assesses a student's ability to comprehend and interpret various types of texts, including literature, informational, and practical reading materials. The examination is a requirement for high school graduation, ensuring that students meet the state's educational standards in reading comprehension. It is a critical tool for educators to understand students' reading capabilities and to provide necessary support to enhance their skills.

84 - Multiple Choice
Demonstrate literal understanding
Interpret passages
Apply critical analysis strategies
Utilize strategies that enhance comprehension.

240 Minutes
Alabama High School Science Exit Examination (Science)

The Alabama High School Science Exit Examination is a mandatory certification test for high school students in Alabama. It assesses their grasp of science concepts taught throughout their high school career. The test covers various areas, including biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science, focusing on students' understanding, application, and critical thinking skills. The exam's outcome is used to gauge a school's performance, evaluate instructional programs, and determine if students have met the state's educational standards for science. Passing this exam is crucial for students to receive their high school diplomas.

100 - Multiple Choice
Nature of science (scientific process)
Matter (states, transfer, change, types)
Diversity of life (classification, structure, function)
Heredity (mutations, DNA, traits)
Cells (structure, function, reproduction)
Interdependence (populations, ecosystems)
Energy (transformations, waves)
Force and motion (laws)

240 Minutes
AHSGE Social Studies (Social Studies)

The Alabama High School Social Studies Exit Examination is a certification test designed to assess the proficiency of high school students in social studies. It evaluates their understanding of key concepts and skills, covering areas such as history, geography, economics, government, and civics. The test is a crucial prerequisite for high school graduation in Alabama. It is structured to align with the state's educational standards, thus ensuring that students are well-prepared for post-secondary education or the workforce. The exam's outcome helps in identifying gaps in knowledge and informing necessary improvements in the curriculum.

100 - Multiple Choice
Global influence of the pre-colonial and colonial eras of the Western Hemisphere
Formation and development of the United States.
Eras of revolution, expansion, and reform prior to the United States Civil War.
United States Civil War Era.
Developments of the late 19th and 20th centuries.
Causes and effects of World War I.
Great Depression and World War II

240 Minutes