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BCNS Exam & BCNS Certification Info

The BCNS, or Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists, is a professional body that certifies individuals who have met predetermined qualifications specified by the Board. These qualifications generally include a combination of education, experience, and passing a certification examination. The BCNS is dedicated to enhancing human health and fitness through the delivery and advancement of high-quality education, certification, research, and professional practice in nutrition science.

The BCNS certification examination is usually held at designated testing centers. These can typically be found in multiple locations across the United States. In addition, some BCNS certification examinations may be available in an online format, allowing candidates to take the examination from their own homes or offices. The specific format, including any potential online options, may vary based on the specific certification, so it is recommended to check the BCNS's official website or contact them directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists Exams

BCNS Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS)

The BCNS Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) certification test is a comprehensive and rigorous examination designed to evaluate the knowledge and competence of nutrition professionals. It covers various areas including biochemistry, physiology, micronutrients, macronutrients, life cycle nutrition, and nutrition assessment. The test is intended for professionals with a Master's or Doctorate degree in nutrition or a related healthcare field. Passing the CNS certification test demonstrates a high level of expertise in the field of nutrition, thereby enhancing credibility, career prospects, and client trust.

100 - Multiple Choice
Fundamental Principles of Nutrition - 20%
Nutrients and Human Health - 30%
Nutrition Assessment - 20%
Clinical Intervention and Monitoring - 25%
Professional Issues - 5%

90 Minutes