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NCMA RST (RST) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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NCMA Registered Surgical Tech - Exam Topics Sample Questions

Normal urine output is at least:

Correct Answer:
30 ml/hr.

the normal urine output for a healthy adult is typically considered to be around 30 ml per hour. this rate of urine production ensures that the kidneys are functioning properly by filtering blood, removing waste, and balancing bodily fluids and electrolytes. it's important to maintain this rate to ensure that toxic substances and excess water are efficiently expelled from the body.

in a clinical setting, such as a hospital, nurses monitor urine output closely because it is a vital sign of kidney health and overall hydration status. an output of about 30 ml per hour equates to approximately 720 ml over a 24-hour period. however, it is also commonly measured during a nursing shift (usually about 8 hours), during which a normal output would be around 240 ml.

urine output less than 30 ml per hour may indicate various health issues, such as kidney failure, dehydration, or a blockage in the urinary tract. on the other hand, an excessively high urine output can be a symptom of conditions like diabetes insipidus or the result of excessive fluid intake.

thus, maintaining and monitoring a normal urine output of about 30 ml per hour is crucial for assessing an individual's health status and ensuring the proper function of the kidneys and other related systems.