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NCMA Registered Billing & Coding Specialist - Blogs Sample Questions

A patient is admitted with Pellagra. How is this coded?

Correct Answer:

when a patient is diagnosed with pellagra, the correct icd-9-cm (international classification of diseases, ninth revision, clinical modification) code to use is 265.2. pellagra is a condition categorized under nutritional deficiencies, specifically as a niacin deficiency, which may also involve a deficiency of the amino acid tryptophan.

the code 265.2 falls under a broader category labeled as 265, which represents "thiamine and niacin deficiency states." this category is divided into several subcategories, each representing different deficiency-related conditions: - 265.0: beriberi, related to a deficiency in thiamine (vitamin b1). - 265.1: covers other and unspecified manifestations of thiamine deficiency, not classified elsewhere. - 265.2: specifically designated for pellagra, related directly to niacin (vitamin b3) deficiency.

pellagra is characterized by the "three ds": dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia. in severe cases, if left untreated, it can be fatal. the condition is generally caused by insufficient intake of niacin or tryptophan. historically, it was commonly seen in populations where corn (maize), deficient in niacin and tryptophan, was the dietary staple.

coding pellagra as 265.2 ensures that the diagnosis is accurately captured for clinical records and billing purposes. this specific code helps healthcare providers and researchers track incidence rates, treatment effectiveness, and potential geographical or demographic patterns associated with the disease. proper coding is crucial for epidemiological studies, resource allocation, and enhancing overall patient care management.