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LMSW (LMSW) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Licensed Master Social Worker - Exam Topics Sample Questions

The Johari window is a strategy in counseling and psychotherapy, whose window consist of four quadrants. They are:

Correct Answer:
public self, blind self, private self, unknown self

the correct answer to the question regarding the four quadrants of the johari window is: public self, blind self, private self, unknown self. this model, developed by psychologists joseph luft and harrington ingham in 1955, is a useful tool in understanding personal and interpersonal relationships. it helps individuals understand their relationship with themselves and others, promoting personal development through self-awareness and mutual understanding.

the first quadrant is the **public self**, which is also known as the "open area." this quadrant represents traits, behaviors, and information that both the individual and others are aware of. this includes any knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior that one is willing to share openly, making it accessible for others to see and discuss.

the second quadrant is the **blind self**, or "blind area." this area encompasses aspects of ourselves that others can see but of which we are unaware. these can include simple habits, unintended expressions, or deeper personality traits. feedback from others can provide valuable insights into this area, offering a perspective that one may not have considered or realized about oneself.

the third quadrant is the **private self**, known as the "hidden area." this includes aspects that the individual is aware of but chooses to keep private from others. this can range from personal secrets to sensitive information, or simply personal thoughts and feelings that one does not wish to share publicly. the control of this area rests with the individual, who may choose to disclose more about themselves over time.

lastly, the fourth quadrant is the **unknown self**, or "unknown area." this part contains information, abilities, feelings, and experiences, unknown both to oneself and to others. this could include latent abilities that have not been yet realized or deeper aspects of an individual's personality that are not expressed due to current circumstances or lack of self-exploration. this area can be explored through experiences, therapy, and deep introspection or reflection.

the johari window is particularly valuable in therapeutic settings as it encourages self-discovery and greater transparency between clients and therapists. it also serves as a dynamic tool in relationships, teamwork, and leadership development, facilitating a deeper understanding and improved communication. adjusting the sizes of these quadrants through self-disclosure and feedback can lead to more effective personal and professional interactions.