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AAPC Certified Professional Coder-Hospital Outpatient - Blogs Sample Questions

CPT code 90935 is related to:

Correct Answer:
dialysis services and procedures.
cpt code 90935 is specifically related to dialysis services and procedures.

to understand this correctly, it's important to know about the structure of the current procedural terminology (cpt) codes. cpt codes are numerical codes assigned to every task and service a medical practitioner may provide to a patient including medical, surgical, and diagnostic services. they are designed to standardize medical billing across the board and are used by insurers to determine the amount of reimbursement that a practitioner will receive by insurers for services provided.

cpt codes are divided into various ranges that represent specific types of services. for instance, the range of codes from 90281-90399 is designated for immune globulins, serum, or recombinant products, and codes 90460-90474 cover immunization administration for vaccines/toxoids. similarly, the codes from 90935-90999 are specifically set aside for dialysis services and procedures. this range includes several different procedures related to dialysis, such as hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and others, each with its specific code within this range.

thus, cpt code 90935 falls within the range dedicated to dialysis services and is used to code for hemodialysis, which involves filtering a patient's blood to remove toxins, waste products, and excess fluids from the body when the kidneys are not functioning properly. this specificity helps streamline the billing process and ensures that healthcare providers are adequately reimbursed for the exact services they provide.

understanding these codes is crucial for healthcare administration and billing professionals. it not only helps in ensuring accurate billing but also assists in maintaining uniformity and standardization in the way medical and procedural services are recorded and reimbursed across the healthcare industry. this in turn ensures that patients receive consistent and efficient healthcare services.