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ASVAB Word Knowledge (WK) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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ASVAB Word Knowledge - Exam Topics Sample Questions

Which of the following words is closest in meaning to: Calamity

Correct Answer:

the question asks which word is closest in meaning to "calamity." among the options provided, "disaster" is the correct answer, as it is closest in meaning to "calamity."

to understand why "disaster" is the appropriate choice, we need to define both terms. "disaster" refers to an event that causes significant destruction, damage, or hardship, often resulting in loss of life and property. examples of disasters include natural events like earthquakes, floods, or man-made events such as wars or industrial accidents.

on the other hand, "calamity" also denotes a serious event that results in great harm and distress. it is synonymous with disaster, indicating a large-scale negative event that brings severe trouble or destruction. the term "calamity" carries a strong implication of misfortune and often describes not only physical damage but also great loss and suffering.

given these definitions, "disaster" aligns closely with the meaning of "calamity," as both terms describe severe, distressing events that lead to significant damage or hardship. the other words provided in the list - "normal," "safeguard," "protected," and "unchanged" - do not share this meaning and thus are not appropriate synonyms for "calamity."

therefore, "disaster" is correctly marked as the answer that is closest in meaning to "calamity." this understanding is crucial for accurately interpreting texts and discussions where these terms might be used interchangeably. knowing their meanings helps in comprehending the severity and implications of the situations being described.