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DANB's Coronal Polish - Blogs Sample Questions

When polishing teeth, which of the following can cause splatter that dental assistants should be aware of?

Correct Answer:
all of the above. 

during dental procedures, various instruments are employed that can cause splatter, which is the projection of saliva, blood, or other debris from the patient’s mouth. this splatter is a concern because it can contain microorganisms that may lead to cross-contamination and potential infection. it is crucial for dental assistants and other dental professionals to be aware of the risks associated with each tool and take appropriate precautions.

among the common dental tools that can cause splatter are hand scalers, prophy angles, and air-water syringes. hand scalers are used for removing tartar and plaque from the teeth manually. the physical scraping action on the teeth can dislodge particles and fluids, causing them to be propelled into the air. prophy angles, which are used with a slow-speed handpiece for polishing teeth, spin at high speeds with attached cups or brushes. this spinning action can fling particles outward from the patient’s mouth.

air-water syringes, which expel a stream of water and air, are used for various purposes such as cleaning debris from cavities or cooling a tooth while it is being worked on. the forceful expulsion of air and water can create a mist that contains small particles of whatever it comes into contact with inside the mouth, including bacteria and other microorganisms.

it is also important to note that while all these tools can produce splatter, some devices such as ultrasonic scalers and air polishers are particularly known for generating a significant amount of aerosols and small particle splatter. these instruments use high-frequency vibrations in the case of ultrasonic scalers, and a spray of air and water or baking soda in air polishers, to clean and polish teeth. the vibrations and sprays create a fine mist that can stay airborne for longer periods and travel further distances compared to larger droplets.

therefore, when the question asks which tools can cause splatter, the correct answer is "all of the above." dental professionals must use protective measures such as high-quality masks, face shields, proper ventilation, and patient mouth rinses to mitigate the risk of infection from splatter and aerosols. these precautions help protect both the dental staff and their patients from potential health risks associated with dental procedures.