Everything you need to pass your certification exam!
Looking for more information about the exam? Check out our NYSTCE School Building Leader FAQs
Our NYSTCE practice exams are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking. Created to mimic the real exam, Our NYSTCE practice tests feature:
Buy one or save big with a practice test bundle for the NYSTCE School Building Leader exam.
"My favorite thing about ExamEdge's online practice test is that they mimicked the actual exam. I walked into the exam feeling confident I knew the material and walked out knowing my time studying with Exam Edge was well worth the effort."
Olivia R., Washington
To pass the NYSTCE School Building Leader test you need a score of 220.
The range of possible scores is 100 to 300.
At Exam Edge, we are proud to invest time and effort to make sure that Our NYSTCE practice tests are as realistic as possible. Our practice tests help you prepare by replicating key qualities of the real test, including:
Yes! We offer practice tests for 62 different exam subjects, and there are 1,140 unique exams utilizing 91030 practice exam questions. Every subject has a free sample practice test you can try too!
NYSTCE Bilingual Education Assessments (BEAs)
NYSTCE BEA Spanish (024)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Communication and Quantitative Skills Test (CQST)
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CQST Reading (80)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CQST Writing (80)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Content Specialty Tests (CSTs)
NYSTCE CST Biology (160)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Blind and Visually Impaired (117)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Business and Marketing (069)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Chemistry (161)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Deaf and Hard of Hearing (063)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Earth Science (162)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST English Language Arts (003)
Practice Tests
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Family and Consumer Sciences (072)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Gifted Education (064)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Health Education (073)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Library Media Specialist (074)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Literacy (065)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Mathematics (004)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Multi-Subject: Grade 7-Grade 12 (241/242/245)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Multi-Subject: 7-12 Arts and Sciences (245)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Multi-Subject: Grade 7-Grade 12 ELA (241)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Multi-Subject: Grade 7-Grade 12 Math (244)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Multi-subject: Teachers Of Early Childhood EC-2 (211/212/245)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Multi-subject: Teachers Of Early Childhood EC-2 - Arts and Sciences (245)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Multi-subject: Teachers Of Early Childhood EC-2 - Literacy and English Language Arts (211)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Multi-subject: Teachers Of Early Childhood EC-2 - Math (212)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Multi-subject: Teachers Of Childhood 1-6 (221/222/245)
Practice Tests
CST Multi-subject: Teachers Of Childhood 1-6 ELA (221)
Practice Tests
CST Multi-subject: Teachers Of Childhood 1-6 Math (222)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Multi-subject: Teachers Of Students with Disabilities
Practice Tests
CST Multi-subject: Teachers Of Middle Childhood 5-9 (231/232/245)
Practice Tests
CST Multi-subject: Teachers of Middle Childhood 5-9 ELA (231)
Practice Tests
CST Multi-subject: Teachers of Middle Childhood 5-9 Math (232)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Physical Education (076)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Physics (163)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Social Studies (115)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Spanish (129)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Students with Disabilities Content Specialty (060)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE CST Visual Arts (167)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST)
NYSTCE LAST - liberal arts and sciences (001)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net
Safety Net ESOL CST (022)
Practice Tests
Safety Net Blind and Visually Impaired CST (962)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net Business and Marketing CST (969)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net Deaf and Hard of Hearing CST (963)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net English Language Arts CST (903)
Practice Tests
Safety Net Family and Consumer Sciences CST (972)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net Gifted Education CST (964)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net Health Education CST (973)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net Library Media Specialist CST (974)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net Literacy CST (965)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net Mathematics CST (904)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net Multi-Subject CST (902)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net Physical Education CST (976)
Practice Tests
Safety Net Students with Disabilities CST (960)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net Technology Education CST (977)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Safety Net Visual Arts CST (079)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Technology Education (118)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE School Leadership Assessments (SLA)
NYSTCE School Building Leader (107,108)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE School District Leader (103,104)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE Tests for Teacher Certification
NYSTCE ALST Academic Literacy Skills Test (202)
Practice Tests
NYSTCE EAS Educating all Students (201)
Practice Tests
To order full-length tests, or take a sample test, for a different subject:
Click on ' Name on the Exam Name' You will be take to the orders page
For up-to-date information about registration for the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations, refer to the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations website.
You have almost completed your teacher education journey. The New York State Teacher Certification Examinations are your final hurdle. What are the NYSTCEs?
The New York State Teacher Certification Examinations (NYSTCE) are mandated by the New York State Education department and administered by Pearson. The NYSTCE measure a candidate’s knowledge and skills necessary to perform the responsibilities of an educator in the New York public schools. Prospective educators seeking certification must achieve passing scores on the EAS (Educating All Students), the edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment) and a CST (Content Specialty Test).
The Educating All Students (EAS) exam is a computer-based test evaluating a candidate’s ability to work with diverse student populations. The EAS consists of 40 selected-response and 3 constructed-response items. The test time allotted is 2 hours and 15 minutes. Test scores range from 400 to 600 with 520 being the minimum passing score.
The Content Specialty Tests (CST) quantify an individual’s knowledge of a specific subject area. Generally, CST are 3 hours and 15 minutes and contain 90 selected-response exercises and 1 constructed-response item. The language CST include a listening and speaking component. The minimum passing score for the CST is 520.
Scores for both the EAS exam and CST will be emailed within 2 to 3 weeks of the testing date. More details for the EAS exam and the CST can be found at www.nystcenesinc.com.
The edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment) is a portfolio of artifacts used during a candidate’s clinical experience. These lesson plans, video clips, student work, etc., include the candidate’s commentary justifying the instructional rationale for its selection. These portfolios are evaluated across five scoring components of teaching: planning, instruction, assessment, analysis of teaching, and academic language. You must go to www.edtpa.com to register and submit a portfolio for scoring. Your score profile will be emailed to you and will include rubric scores for each of the five scoring areas. Pass/fail information will not be supplied on this profile as requirements may vary from state-to-state or program-to-program. The edTPA website offers specific information on these requirements.