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FTCE General Knowledge Reading (827) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Exam Info

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The more you know about the FTCE General Knowledge Reading exam the better prepared you will be! Our practice tests are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking to be sure you are fully prepared for your exam.

Here are a few things to think about:

  • What is the FTCE General Knowledge Reading certification exam?
  • Who is Responsible for the FTCE exam?
  • Am I eligibility for the FTCE General Knowledge Reading Exam?
  • What is the best way to ensure your succes on the first try?
  • The benefits of using Exam Edge to pass your FTCE General Knowledge Reading exam.

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FTCE General Knowledge Reading - Additional Information

It's true what they say: reading really is fundamental. It's why all Florida educators have to take and pass the FTCE General Knowledge Reading test before they can begin working in the classroom. Need a primer on what to expect of the exam? Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about it and get started studying with FTCE General Knowledge Reading practice tests.

What is the FTCE General Knowledge Reading Test?

This test helps ensure that all Florida educators have a healthy grasp on their reading skills. According to Florida's Sunshine State Standards, all public school teachers must be able to demonstrate their ability to read, write, and comprehend what they read via the FTCE General Knowledge Reading test. A requirement of all licensed teachers in Florida, the test shouldn't be taken lightly. Your future teaching career rides on the results of this test, so be sure to take plenty of FTCE General Knowledge reading practice exams to study.

Who Should Take the FTCE General Knowledge Reading Test?

Anyone who is hoping to find a teaching position in a Florida public school should sign up for this exam. Administrators, assistant principals, deans and other school officials also need to take and pass the test. Before you sign up for the exam, however, be sure to complete all the required coursework for your specific career path. Most test-takers do not register for this exam until the last semester of their teaching programs. Once you've registered, be sure to incorporate practice tests into your FTCE General Knowledge Reading exam prep.

Registration Fees

The FTCE General Knowledge Reading test is considered a subtest of the larger General Knowledge Test required of every Florida educator. Signing up for a single subtest will run you $32.50, but registering for all four of the required subtests will set you back $130. Save money and register for the entire General Knowledge FTCE exam at once! Of course, be sure to study for all four subjects during your FTCE General Knowledge Reading test prep to ensure you pass the very first time.

Format of the FTCE General Knowledge Reading Test

The 55 minute subtest is comprised of more than 40 multiple-choice questions. If you decide to take all four of the required subtests in one day, you'll have one 15-minute break to catch your breath. To pass the exam, you'll need a scaled score of 200 or higher. Brush up on FTCE General Knowledge Reading exam practice tests and you'll ace it the first time you attempt the test!

Prepare Now for Your FTCE Exam

You've studied, trained, and worked for years to become a teacher. Don't let the FTCE exams stand in the way of your goals! By taking plenty of FTCE General Knowledge Reading practice tests, you'll be on your way to the teaching career of your dreams. Get started now with a free sample practice test to see just how helpful our tools can be!