Everything you need to pass your certification exam!
Check out our FTCE Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum 5-9 FAQs to learn more about the exam, Our FTCE practice tests, and other information to help you succeed.
Our FTCE practice exams are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking. Created to mimic the real exam, Our FTCE practice tests feature:
ExamEdge's online practice test is that they mimicked the actual exam. I walked into the exam feeling confident I knew the material and walked out knowing my time studying with Exam Edge was well worth the effort."
Olivia R., Washington
Buy one or save big with a practice test bundle for the FTCE Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum 5-9 exam.
To pass the FTCE Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum 5-9 test you need a score of 200.
The range of possible scores is 0 to 300.
At Exam Edge, we are proud to invest time and effort to make sure that Our FTCE practice tests are as realistic as possible. Our practice tests help you prepare by replicating key qualities of the real test, including:
Yes! We offer practice tests for 47 different exam subjects, and there are 810 unique exams utilizing 68635 practice exam questions. Every subject has a free sample practice test you can try too!
FTCE General Knowledge Test (GK)
FTCE General Knowledge (082)
Practice Tests
FTCE General Knowledge English/Essay (825/826)
Practice Tests
FTCE General Knowledge Math (828)
Practice Tests
FTCE General Knowledge Reading (827)
Practice Tests
FTCE Professional Education Test (PEd)
FTCE Professional Education (083)
Practice Tests
FTCE Subject Area Examinations (SAE)
FTCE Art K-12 (001)
Practice Tests
FTCE Biology 6-12 (002)
Practice Tests
FTCE Business Education 6-12 (051)
Practice Tests
FTCE Chemistry 6-12 (003)
Practice Tests
FTCE Deaf or Hard of Hearing K-12 (020)
Practice Tests
FTCE Earth-Space Science 6-12 (008)
Practice Tests
FTCE Educational Media Specialist K-12 (010)
Practice Tests
FTCE Elementary Education K-6 (060)
Practice Tests
FTCE Elem Ed - LA (601)
Practice Tests
FTCE Elementary Education K-6 - Mathematics (604)
Practice Tests
FTCE Elementary Education K-6 - Science (603)
Practice Tests
FTCE Elementary Education K-6 - Social Science (602)
Practice Tests
FTCE Engineering and Technology Education 6-12 (055)
Practice Tests
FTCE English 6-12 (013)
Practice Tests
FTCE English to Speakers of Other Languages K-12 (047)
Practice Tests
FTCE Exceptional Student Education K-12 (061)
Practice Tests
FTCE Family and Consumer Science 6-12 (052)
Practice Tests
FTCE Health K-12 (019)
Practice Tests
FTCE Humanities K-12 (022)
Practice Tests
FTCE Marketing 6-12 (057)
Practice Tests
FTCE Mathematics 6-12 (026)
Practice Tests
FTCE Middle Grades English 5-9 (014)
Practice Tests
FTCE Middle Grades General Science 5-9 (004)
Practice Tests
FTCE Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum 5-9 (62)
Practice Tests
FTCE Middle Grades Mathematics 5-9 (025)
Practice Tests
FTCE Middle Grades Social Science 5-9 (038)
Practice Tests
FTCE Physical Education K-12 (063)
Practice Tests
FTCE Physics 6-12 (032)
Practice Tests
FTCE Prekindergarten Primary PK-3 (053)
Practice Tests
FTCE Pre-K / Primary - Subtest 1 Dev Knowledge (531)
Practice Tests
FTCE Pre-K / Primary - Subtest 2 LA (532)
Practice Tests
FTCE Pre-K / Primary - Subtest 3 Math (533)
Practice Tests
FTCE Pre-K / Primary - Subtest 4 Science (534)
Practice Tests
FTCE Preschool Education Birth-Age 4 (007)
Practice Tests
FTCE Reading K-12 (035)
Practice Tests
FTCE School Counseling PK 12 (018)
Practice Tests
FTCE School Psychologist PK-12 (036)
Practice Tests
FTCE Social Science 6-12 (037)
Practice Tests
FTCE Spanish K-12 (039)
Practice Tests
FTCE Speech 6-12 (041)
Practice Tests
FTCE Speech-Language Impaired K-12 (042)
Practice Tests
FTCE Visually Impaired K-12 (044)
Practice Tests
To order full-length tests, or take a sample test, for a different subject:
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For up-to-date information about registration for the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations, refer to the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations website.
You have decided to make a career in the field of education but discover that Florida require the FTCE or the FELE before you can continue. What exactly are the FTCE and the FELE?
The FTCE (Florida Teacher Certification Examinations) is a series of three tests used to determine whether a prospective teaching candidate possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to perform as an entry-level educator in the Florida Public Schools. The FTCE assesses general and specific content as well as pedagogy to determine the granting of a teaching certificate.
The first test in the series, The General Knowledge Test (GKT), is sometimes taken before beginning major coursework. It consists of four subtests (English Language Skills, Reading, Math, and an essay) that can be taken all together or in any combination during one session. Except for the essay, the subtests consist of computer-based multiple-choice questions. Time allotments range from 40 minutes for the English Language Skills subtest to 1 hour and 40 minutes for the Math subtest. There is a calculator provided along with a math reference sheet. The essay portion offers a choice of two topics from which one is selected to be completed during the given 50 minutes. The essays are scored holistically by two independent evaluators and their scores are combined for the total score. The second part of the FTCE is the Professional Education Test (PEd). This is a computer-based test containing approximately 120 multiple-choice questions dealing with knowledge and application of pedagogy and professional practices. This subtest is a 2 ½ hour exam for which a pass/non-pass is determined.
The final piece of the FTCE is the Subject Area Examinations (SAEs) which cover the content area and or level in which the teaching candidate seeks to become certified. There are 39 different SAEs. Most subtests are computer-based multiple-choice assessments. However, some do include essays or performance tasks. The Elementary Education SAE is an exception. It consists of four subtests (Language Arts and Reading, Social Science, Science, and Math) for a total of 220 multiple-choice questions. A candidate must pass all four subtests to fulfill this requirement for certification. Four- and one-half hours is given for the first session and it includes all four areas. The option to retest in the area(s) in which the candidate received a non-pass is available without taking all four areas.
The FELE (Florida Educator Leadership Examination) is a three-part assessment required of all candidates who are pursuing certification in Educational Leadership. Successful performance on the FELE ensures that potential educational leaders demonstrate a mastery of the competencies and skills set forth in the Florida Principal Leadership Standards.
The 13 domains of the core curriculum in Educational Leadership are divided to make up the three subtests of the FELE. Subtest 1 includes those standards related to Leadership for Student Learning, Subtest 2 consists of standards dealing with Organizational Development, and Subtest 3 is made of standards related to Systems Leadership Success. Two hours are allotted for both Subtests 1 and 2 and both contain approximately 70 multiple choice questions. Subtest 3 includes both multiple choice (1 ½ hours) and a written performance assessment (1 hour). The written component is used to determine written communication and data analysis skills and is scored holistically by qualified professionals within the educational leadership field.
For more information on the FTCE/FELE exams visit FTCE/FELE.