Everything you need to pass your certification exam!
The more you know about the FTCE General Knowledge English/Essay exam the better prepared you will be! Our practice tests are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking to be sure you are fully prepared for your exam.
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ExamEdge's online practice test is that they mimicked the actual exam. I walked into the exam feeling confident I knew the material and walked out knowing my time studying with Exam Edge was well worth the effort."
Olivia R., Washington
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In order to teach the next generation of students the fundamentals, Florida teachers must first illustrate their own mastery of such concepts. To do so, all Florida educators hoping to work in public schools must take and pass the FTCE General Knowledge English Language Exam. Keep reading for a primer on all things FTCE, and for insight into how FTCE General Knowledge English Language practice tests can help you prepare for the real exam.
The Florida Teacher Certification Exams help gauge a person's understanding of the content they hope to pass on to their students in the classroom. Before entering into a formal role as an educator, all Florida teachers must take and pass these tests. Specifically, the General Knowledge English Language subtest helps verify that teachers can correct sentence errors, select accurate word choices, and generally read for comprehension.
Want to brush up on these skills before you take the real test? Our FTCE General Knowledge English Language practice exams can help you prepare. There's no easier way to ensure you pass the very first time you attempt this test!
All Florida educators hoping to work in the public school systems will need to take and pass some form of FTCE exam. The English Language subtest is part of a larger general knowledge exam required of all teachers in Florida. Be sure to complete your teacher's education program before registering, though. You'll want to make sure you've covered all the fundamentals and tackled plenty of FTCE General Knowledge English Language exam prep before you take the real thing.
Registration for the FTCE General Knowledge exam costs $130 for your first attempt. Subsequent attempts will run an additional $150 each. Thankfully, the FTCE General Knowledge English Language subtest is included in that cost. Still, this exam is not exactly cheap – you'll want to incorporate plenty of FTCE General Knowledge English Language test prep into the leadup to the day of the exam so you pass the very first time you attempt it.
There are approximately 40 questions on this portion of the FTCE General Knowledge test. You'll also face an essay, 40 questions in the reading subtest, and 40 questions in the math subtest. Many test-takers find themselves overwhelmed by this format and psyche themselves out of performing well on the day of the test. With enough FTCE General Knowledge English Language exam practice tests, you'll bypass much of the psychological anguish that so often comes with these kinds of exams.
If you're serious about preparing for the FTCE General Knowledge English Language exam, you'll want to sign up for an account with Exam Edge. We offer free sample practice exams for new members. It's the most convenient way to prepare for the big test without having to step outside the comfort of your living room! Get started now and you'll be on the way to a passing score in no time.