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Safety Net Physical Education CST (976) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Understanding what is on the Safety Net Physical Education CST exam is crucial step in preparing for the exam. You will need to have an understanding of the testing domain (topics covered) to be sure you are studying the correct information.

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the NYSTCE Safety Net Physical Education CST test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The NYSTCE Safety Net Physical Education CST has 90 multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

NYSTCE Safety Net Physical Education CST Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Physical Fitness and Health 29% 26
Lifelong Movement Activities and Sports 25% 23
Personal Growth and Development 12% 11
The Physical Education Program 24% 22
Physical Fitness and Health: Constructed -Response Assignment 10% 9

NYSTCE Safety Net Physical Education CST - Exam Topics Sample Questions

The lesson objective states: The learner will be able to explain how the overload principle develops strength. After the lesson and review, the teacher gathers the class and asks them to give examples of overload training. Which student is correct?

Correct Answer:
tamara: after you can lift a ten pound weight 15 times easily,  adding two pounds and lifting 10 times.
the principle of overload is a fundamental concept in strength training and physical conditioning. it refers to the process of increasing the intensity of your workout to continually challenge your body and muscles to improve their strength, endurance, and size. this progressive increase forces the body to adapt to a higher level of stress, leading to enhanced physical performance.

in the scenario presented in the question, tamara's response accurately exemplifies the application of the overload principle. she suggests that after being able to lift a ten-pound weight comfortably for 15 repetitions, one should increase the weight by two pounds and attempt to lift this heavier weight for 10 repetitions. this incrementally increases the load the muscles must lift, stressing them more than before and encouraging muscle growth and strength gains.

on the other hand, tim's example of "being able to run for ten minutes" does not clearly demonstrate the overload principle as it pertains to developing strength. running for a duration of time primarily trains cardiovascular endurance rather than muscular strength. without additional context, such as increasing the speed or incline while running, this example does not sufficiently represent the overload principle in the context of strength training.

the overload principle can be applied in various ways besides just adding weight. increasing the number of repetitions, enhancing the speed at which exercises are performed, reducing rest intervals between sets, or incorporating more complex exercises can all serve as methods to apply overload. however, the key is that there must be an increase in the demand placed upon the body.

tamara's method of adding weight after achieving ease with a previous weight is a direct and effective application of the overload principle, targeting muscular strength specifically. by increasing the weight, the muscles have to exert more force to perform the same number of repetitions as before, or in tamara's example, even fewer repetitions. this adjustment challenges the muscles more intensely, prompting the physiological changes necessary for muscle growth and strength enhancement.

in summary, to correctly apply the overload principle in strength training, one must continually increase the exercise demands. tamara's response demonstrates this by adding weight to an exercise routine once the initial weight becomes manageable, thus effectively applying the overload principle for strength development.