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ACSM GEI (ACSM-GEI) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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ACSM Certified Group Exercise Instructors - Reviews

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ACSM Certified Group Exercise Instructors - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Stretching should be held for ________________seconds during the final segment of a sports conditioning class.

Correct Answer:
15 - 60 
the correct duration for holding stretches during the final segment of a sports conditioning class is generally recommended to be between 15 to 60 seconds. this range is supported by various fitness experts and research studies, emphasizing the effectiveness of moderate-duration stretching for enhancing flexibility, reducing muscle tension, and aiding in the recovery process after intense physical activity.

stretching for 15 to 60 seconds allows the muscles to relax and elongate without causing any undue stress or leading to the activation of the stretch reflex, which can cause the muscles to contract instead of relax. holding a stretch for too long, especially beyond 60 seconds, may lead to a reduction in muscle power and performance if not tailored correctly to the athlete's needs. moreover, shorter holds are easier to endure for most people and can be repeated several times to increase the effectiveness.

incorporating stretching throughout a workout, including the final segment, is crucial as it helps in gradually cooling down the body, returning the heart rate to normal, and preparing the muscles for recovery. this practice not only helps in preventing injuries but also aids in promoting flexibility and reducing post-exercise soreness. by integrating stretches at the end of a session, participants can ensure that the muscles are appropriately elongated and that any accumulated tension from the exercise is alleviated.

it is also important to use proper techniques during stretching to maximize benefits and minimize the risk of injury. static stretching, where the stretch is held steadily for 15 to 60 seconds, is particularly beneficial during the cooldown phase. dynamic stretches, which involve moving parts of the body gradually increasing reach, speed of movement, or both, are more suited for the warm-up phase as they prepare the body for physical exertion.

in conclusion, stretches should ideally be held for 15 to 60 seconds during the cooldown phase of a sports conditioning session. this duration is sufficient to yield benefits such as increased flexibility and reduced muscle tension without compromising muscle strength or performance. ensuring that stretching is a consistent part of a workout routine can significantly contribute to an athlete's overall performance and injury prevention strategy.